
tiktoks, tiktok, tiktoker, viral tiktok, tiktokers, cringe, stupid people, crazy people, gen z, screenshots, funny, funny screenshots, social media

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (October 15, 2024)

office siren Office office memes office swag work workplace coworkers antiwork work stories Professional At Work trending trending memes trends tiktok trend tiktok gen z Aesthetic STYLE fashion hot take hot takes Tags

‘The kitten heels without the cubicles’: The 'office siren’ microtrend and Gen Z’s new vision for the workplace

parenting, cooking, mom, controversy, food, pasta, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, roasted

Loser tries to trash stay-at-home mom cooking for her family, faces backlash from the internet: 'Moms throwing random ingredients into a pot is how most recipes were invented'

eyebrows, parenting, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, controversy, mom, waxing, eyebrows, beauty, debate, kids, daughter

Mom prompts controversy after insisting on waxing 3-year-old daughter's unibrow: 'I'd understand if she was 14, but 3?'

tiktoks, tiktok, tiktoker, viral tiktok, gen z, social media, stupid people, crazy people, cringe, funny, screenshots, funny screenshots

'Reconnecting with nature after applying to entry level jobs that require 15 years experience': The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (October 8, 2024)

restaurant, cake, birthday cake, entitled people, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, customers, customer service, baking

Entitled New York restaurant staff refuse to let customers cut homemade birthday cake, serve them tiny slices then claim there is none left: 'It took 5 or 6 hours of my time and I would value it at several hundred dollars'

gen z, stupid people, amazon, laundry, quarters, money, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread

Gen Z woman attempts to buy 72 rolls of laundry quarters for $10 on Amazon, is baffled when she gets scammed: 'Isn't this the kind of thing that Gen Z thought only Boomers do?'

parenting, dad, daughter, punishment, jail, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, school

'So many [kids] have attention seekers for parents now': Dad disciplines daughter for cutting second period math class by converting bedroom into 'personal jail cell'

tiktok, tiktoks, viral tiktok, tiktoker, social media, cringe, gen z, screenshots, funny, funny screenshots, stupid people, crazy people

'Do not invite me to that microwave you live in': The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (October 1, 2024)

'NYC side quest': TikToker Shares POV of Being Escorted by the NYFD Through the L Train Subway Tunnels After Emergency Stop, Goes Viral

'NYC side quest': TikToker Shares POV of Being Escorted by the NYFD Through the L Train Subway Tunnels After Emergency Stop, Goes Viral

tiktok, tiktoks, tiktoker, cringe, social media, screenshots, funny screenshots, funny, gen z, stupid people, crazy people, funny comments, viral tiktok

'Spent $150 on groceries and I still need $150 worth of groceries': The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (September 24, 2024)

friendship, wholesome, united kingdom, best friends, viral tiktok, old people rock, scotland, friends, wholesome tweets, friend, tweets, old people, tweet, tiktok, twitter

19-year-old college student befriends 89-year-old widower at her bookie job, become the best of friends over 9 years: 'It was obvious he was really lonely'

Demure and Brat: Why Today's Society Bounces Back and Forth Between Extreme Aesthetics Online

Demure VS BRAT: How the trend uplifted modesty and denounced its predecessor of the messy party girl aka BRAT

tiktoks, tiktok, viral tiktok, tiktoker, comments, funny comments, funny, funny screenshots, gen z, stupid people, social media

'How difficult it is to be a book girlie AND a rotisserie chicken girlie': The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (September 17, 2024)

tiktoks, tiktok, viral tiktok, tiktoker, stupid people, crazy people, social media, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, gen z, screenshots, funny, funny screenshots

The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (September 10, 2024)

parenting, parenting fail, baby, flight, influencer, mom, tiktok, sick, twitter, twitter thread, outrage, travel, thailand, plane

Careless parents face backlash for bringing 1-year-old baby with 104° fever on 8 hour flight: 'Any child's wellbeing is worth way more than $3K'