
this sucks

And It Mooooves Us All

Still from The Lion King's 'The Circle of Life' with the caption, "Works a job I hate just so I can afford to buy alcohol to deal with the job I hate"
Via WheeziestTuna

Being An Adult Is A Ripoff

"My fondest childhood memory is not having to spend 40 hours a week with people who make me feel angry and tired so that I can afford to buy paper towels and laundry detergent"
Via Azaarious

Oh Dear!

Pic of a trash can with googly eyes with the caption, "When you finally realize that you're just trash"
Via meebit

Well There Goes My Plans For The Afternoon

"When you turn 100 and you can't play with Legos anymore"
Via NoEffort4points

Maybe He's Onto Something

"I got a job at Comcast and completed training so I could fix my own cable because it was faster than being on hold with customer service