
the simpsons

Broken Hill Statue Totally Looks Like Homer Simpson

animation funny homer simpson Image statue the simpsons TLL TV - 5683258112
Created by davebeastly

Homer Simpson Illusion

gifs homer simpson illusion Image mindwarp the simpsons - 5555003136
Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via )


Hall of Fame herman cain Image political pictures the simpsons - 5448935936
Via Reddit

*Sax Solo*

Omegle spymode the simpsons - 5378661632
Created by Lolligator

Homer Solo

bill clinton Image political pictures the simpsons - 5376944384
See all captions Created by mariska0130

Happy Homerween

animation fire gifs halloween homer Image pumpkins the simpsons - 5379731456

Your No-no Tube?

animation Image no no tubes Ralph Wiggum the simpsons touching - 5356519936
Created by berryfield

Harry Potter According to Flanders

Harry Potter hell Image the simpsons TV wizards - 5322451456
Created by SirKilmoreRyan

This Random Guy Totally Looks Like Krusty the Clown

cartoon character crazy hair fictional characters guy Image random guy smoking the simpsons - 5300645376
Created by chelseafletcher86

Trolling? Simpsons Already Did It!

bart homer the simpsons Y U No Guy - 5168389120
Created by Orgasmico

Ned Flanders Totally Looks Like Eddie Murphy as a white guy on SNL

eddie murphy glasses Hall of Fame Image ned flanders SNL the simpsons - 5087836160
Created by thager1

Simpsons Did It!

brand car double meaning homer Image odyssey the simpsons triple meaning - 5052236544
Created by buzmurdock

Mississippi Totally Looks Like Professor Frink

cartoons Image the simpsons - 4799589888
Created by bafirebat

D'OH! Killed Again!

franchise homer Image literalism the simpsons video game - 4679676672

Ed Helms Totally Looks Like Frank Grimes

actors Image the simpsons - 4658818816
Created by bruce_clark1

My Favorite Jam? "Apu-na Matata."

guitar hero Image literalism the simpsons video game - 4649321728
Created by battousai