
the bible

Cracked talks about bible verses that should not have been included in the holy book

6 Real Bible Verses We're Hoping God Gives Us A Pass On

Were you scarred by Sunday school as a kid? Did your mom make you go to confession every week in the hopes that the priest would reveal your darkest secrets? Well, we can't promise that this animated video won't give you PTSD , but we think this might be an exception. What's more cathartic than watching someone kind of call out the bible after all those obligatory readings?
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Funny memes about christianity, dank memes, lol, random memes, jesus christ, scripture, the bible, moses, adam and eve

Spicy Christian Memes For Believers & Blasphemers Alike

No disrespect.
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Funny dank christian memes, funny christian tweets, church, the bible | jules @cowboycasanovo can noooooot stop thinking about this photo my uncle shared on FB with 100% unironic intent Will Heal Philippines wan rand whole WORLD AMEN | God confronting Cain re tryin pull Nothin made with mematic Toy Story Woody holding dismembered arm

Christian Memes For Your Day Of Worship

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Twitter thread is a brilliant mashup of tales from the bible (jesus, moses, cain, abel, magi) and dungeons and dragons | Oliver Clegg @deathbybadger DM: so moses pharaoh is still refusing let people go since botched persuasion check MOSES cast insect plague DM: are sure haven't fully explored all opt- MOSES leans very close Cast. Insect Plague dnd | Oliver Clegg G @deathbybadger Replying deathbybadger JESUS: is there fig tree AV DM don't know, sure, why not there's fig tree JESUS take some

Clever Twitter Thread Is A Mashup Of D&D And The Bible

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It All Makes Sense Now!

Pic of a German shepherd appearing to walk on water with the caption, "Dog spelled backwards is God - The lord is my shepherd"
Via Idontlooklikeagelfling

The Bible Says!

Christian school dance poster telling kids how they should leave room for the Holy Spirit when they dance
Via Punless

Gonna Be A Thriller!

Fake headline announcing that there's going to be a 'Bible 2'
Via AManlyManWhoDoesManlyStuff

God Hath Spoken

Picture of a rainbow ending at Liquor Mart with the caption, "I just got paid, wonder what I should spend my money on?"
Via Woofer9000

Signed By God Himself!

Pic of a signed copy of the bible
Via PaleTangelo

Would Read

Funny meme about bible sequel, tokyo drift.
Via god

Blue Prophecy

blue shell religion the bible Mario Kart spiny shell - 8453526016
Via My Extra Life

Dat Apple


Who Cares What It Says? It's Right!

twitter the bible christians - 8428344320

I See You Down There!

jesus the bible christianity - 8354065920

For the Good of All Ponykind

my little pony the bible just neckbeard things - 8340218368

Totally Legit Bible Quotes

bible quotes the bible - 8339272448
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