

wrong number text messages | Mom wants you to call her Who is this Andrea Wrong number and you got me in an unnecessary 30 min conversation with my mother so thank you for that. Thinkin about those tight nipples I think you've got the wrong number But you've got me really concerned about my nipples. Sorry

Wrong Number Texts That Were Hilariously Happy Accidents

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Funny meme about a text from Sargent Balles, sargent balls | Hello! Today 11:17 PM who is this?? This is Sargent Balles with the US Marines. How are you this evening? sar ent balls Lol Read
Via u/chaochao25
Fake texts from the lover boys of literature | o00 Verizon 4:06 PM 60% Jay Gatsby iMessage Today 4:05 PM Daisy love married Delivered Well sounds like problem iMessage | ooo Verizon 5:54 PM 43% Mr. Rochester iMessage Today 5:53 PM Jane love Also my crazy wife lives attic and she might try kill Um Delivered Just, like, full disclosure iMessage

These Texts Imagine A World Where Literature's Great Romantics Had iPhones

Who's sending nudes?
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text exchange with rude nice guy after girl gives him a fake phone number | not fucking creep nice guy! This is why they say nice guys always finish last. yiikes gonna finish last w kind attitude. Whatever only making feel worse nice guy whether believe or not. idk man, nice guys don't say "iM NiCe GUy" they're just nice lol seems Sandra didn't think were nice or else have her real number but imma mind my business Who are Why do keep texting not Sandra

'Nice Guy' Reveals His Slimy Truth In Wrong Number Text

Gotta love a "nice guy."
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Dude gets fired after sharing meme, boss' son attacks him via text

Dude Gets Fired Over Sharing A Meme And Then Bullied By Boss' Son

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Cringey texts from dude trying to date a woman so he can have a place to stay for the night, homeless freeloader, cringe.

Woman Calls Out Freeloading Love Interest For Using Her For Shelter

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text conversation smartphones embarrassing cringe texts technology mothers day parenting mom adult children parents - 8269317

19 Times Moms Texted The Darnedest Crap To Their Embarrassed Offspring

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Wholesome text about car sale

Car Sale Turns Into A Heartwarming Act Of Kindess In This Short & Sweet Text Exchange

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Funny and cringey text attempts.

18 Hilariously Cringey Texts That Are Dripping With Regret

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The More You Know!

Text conversation that reads, "[Person 1] How much would a trip to Spain cost? [Person 2] It depends where you live. For example, if you live in Spain, it's free"
Via ChalkSpoon
cover image about a couple at a marriage counselor, meme about the guys from the office getting into trouble

29 Funny Memes That'll Help You Waste Your Time The Right Way

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Sick Burn

Text conversation where someone asks why the chicken crossed the road, with the answer "to get to the idiot's house;" then they say "knock knock, it's the chicken" to their friend
Via Darkbutterflies

Good Question

Text conversation where one person asks their tall friend how tall people sleep at night if the blanket doesn't cover their entire bodies
Via alledelgardo

Can't Argue With God

Funny meme about texting with god about banana.
Via Italy_Mann

Thanks President Trump!

Presidential alert text that reads, "You might be using mobile data of WiFi"
Via Shivam091
Funny text exchanges.

23 Weird & Funny Text Threads That'll Make You Feel Normal

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