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Boss Shames Employee for Leaving Job for More Money, Doesn't Offer Him More Money to Stay

Make it make sense
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Nosy Boss Bombards Employee's Wife With Texts Demanding She Explains Why He Called Out For a Family Emergency

Emergency contacts exist for a reason. If your employee is having a medical emergency at work, you need to tell their family or close friends if they had to go to the hospital. While this system is useful in the contexts it's supposed to be used, it is extremely easy to abuse for absurd reasons. One man recently went viral on Reddit after his boss repeatedly texted his wife. This might sound suspicious on his wife's part, but they weren't texting for the reason you think they're texting. The em…
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'I really need you to train your replacement right': Boss Pressures Employee to Stay After His Two Week Notice Ends Because New Hire Refuses To Be Trained

You make the bed you lie in
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Boss Denies Employee's Vacation Because 'It's Unfair To The Other Employees'

Yeah right
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Crooked Boss Pays Wife $60k Annually With Company Money

His salaried employees are only making $30,000
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Entitled Boss Refuses to Let Worker Take Time Off for Honeymoon, Shoots Self in the Foot

Working 40 hours a week for years is nearly impossible without respect and reasonable benefits. Everyone who works deserves a reasonable amount of time off, especially for important life events, like getting married or having a child. When redditor u/WhoSc3w3dDaP00ch requested time off for their honeymoon nearly two months in advance, their deadbeat manager (who was notoriously bad at reading important emails) ignored the request for weeks before finally denying OP's time off. The boss said “re…
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