

twitter story, teens, traumatized, twitter, hotel, Twitter Thread, kids, parenting, trauma, babysitting, tweets, funny parenting tweets, hotels, parenting tweets, tweet, twitter discourse

Puritan Claims Parents Shouldn't Have Intercourse In The Same House As Their Kids

Puriteens are at it again
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Teenager posts their working hours on Reddit, sparking discussion on child labor laws

Teen's Excessive Work Hours Sparks Discussion About Child Labor Laws

A Utah teenager recently went viral on Reddit for posting their schedule for their part-time job . They are expected to work 32 hours a week, including four 6-hour shifts directly after already going to school for 8 hours. I know there are probably a bunch of angry people reading this and thinking, “that's not very much work! If this teen would hike up their bootstraps, they would be able to work these hours and finish their homework with no issues.” In some cases, they might be right. When I w…
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A compilation of memes about theatre, theatre kids, and acting

Theatre Kid Memes For Attention-Seeking Musical Lovers

Five Six Seven Eight!
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A compilation of Mean Girls themed memes for Mean Girls day on October 3rd

Mean Girls Memes To Celebrate October 3rd

Is there any teen comedy more influential than Mean Girls ? This movie came out in 2004, and we are still celebrating it to this day. Mean Girls is timeless, and it seems to understand what it's like to be a teenager far better than most movies of any era. The quotability of the movie sends it over the edge from simply iconic to full-blown legendary status. You go, Glenn Coco; Stop trying to make fetch happen; That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets; I'm a mouse, duh; Get in, loser,…
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love, dentist, surgery, teens, teenagers, couple, sad, lol, tiktok, young love

Besotted Teen Couple Get Wisdom Teeth Out On Same Day, Their Post Surgery Separation Anxiety Rivals Romeo And Juliet's Tragedy

Let’s just hope it doesn’t end the same way as Shakespeare.
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Your Brain On Cracked Jordan Breeding Teenagers Tropes Lol Funny movies

Video: 4 Teenage Movie Tropes Based On Nothing

Presumably, every single writer in Hollywood was at some point in time a teenager . At the very least, they probably inject themselves with teenage blood in order to keep their organs strong and their skin moist. So how in the world do they know nothing about them? Thankfully, "Doctor" Jordan Breeding is oft accused of having a teenage sense of humor, so join him as he tears apart teenage movie tropes that have no grounding in reality.
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Funny video tutorial about how to speak in 'Gen Z' lingo

Tutorial On How To Speak 'Gen Z' Will Really Confuse The Millennials

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cringey memes and pics

Cringey Posts That Are The Definition of 'OOF'

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middle school memes

29 Middle School Memes That'll Transport You Back To The Horrors Of Your Preteen Years

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Good Lord

Tweet that reads, "There's a whole genre of Reddit posts where teens ask how to get vaccinated without their parents consenting. Just. Just so you know, that's a thing"
Via monkeyspanker

It's A Mystery!

Soda dispenser meme where the two buttons represent "Teens need to get more sleep" and "Classes start at 7:30;" person's hand represents "Schools," and soda cup represents "Why do they hate school?"
Via hook1909

These Kids Are Now 19 Years Old!!

Caption that reads, "When a teenager tells me they were born in the year 2000" above pics of Matt Damon progressively getting older in each photo
Via LongHairKindaCare

How Else Are They Supposed To Get Their Exercise

Headline that reads, "Teens in China are putting cabbages on leashes and taking them for walks"

I'm Old And That's Just Not Right

Caption that reads, "When a teenager tells me they were born in the year 2000"
Via Nobodylook

Good question

Funny meme about god.
Via distinguishedbaloney

Is It a Movie?

what teens are reading next
Via empty_the_quiver