

The Future Is Now

Funny meme about Dyson soul harvester
Via Stability

So Grateful

Caption that reads, "I am so humble. I'm not bragging but I just wanna thank God I went from living paycheck to paycheck to saving up enough money to purchase a data plan that allowed me to download this picture"
Via MemeMuseumCurator
cover image about Apple products, funny

15 Apple Memes For All The iHaters

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memes about technology

14 Frustrating Technology Memes That'll Make You Yearn For Simpler Times

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We'll Only Upgrade Once A Year! What A Deal!

Caption that reads, "The iPhone 8 home button just got leaked" above a pic of a detachable home button, saying that it only costs $99.99
Via HammerSlammer
Funny 'so glad i grew up doing this' memes.

'So Glad I Grew Up' Memes Poke Fun At Generational Superiority

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Funny nerdy programming memes.

19 Nerdy Tech Memes That'll Debug Your Brain

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Funny programming memes

20 Programming Memes That'll Trigger Any Developer

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nostalgic memes, 90's kids memes.

18 Memes & Pics That'll Trigger All You 90's Kids

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Great Bargain

Funny meme about free wifi, free wife.
Via cabbagecatmemes

Stop That Google

Tweet that reads, "Me: logs into gmail on another device; Google:...." above a picture of a SWAT team breaking down a door into someone's house
Via binhood

The Most Relatable Tweet Of 2018

Tweet that reads, "I've been hitting 'remind me tomorrow' on a computer update for the last 68 years"
Via anlyin

We'll Never Know

Tweet that reads, "When you are constantly anxious but you don't know why." with a pic of a computer pop-up that says nothing but provides an 'OK' button
Via aquastar9999981337
Funny meme about the future, the world if memes, society if memes.

'The World If' Memes Are A New Way For People To Hate

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elon musk memes

18 Musky Memes That'll Send You On A Mission To Mars

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dystonian comics about the future

35 Bleak Comics About Our Sad Dystopian Future

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