
technical difficulties

technology, technical difficulties, old people, boomers, phones, computers, funny, funny twitter, twitter, twitter thread

'Not even a computer from the 2000s has this many viruses': People despair at how Boomers use technology

Impressive ineptitude
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reddit, reddit stories, reddit discourse, askreddit, mildly infuriating, reddit thread, relatable, uber, technical difficulties, tech support

Uber Driver Preposterously Charges Fee For Waiting 0 Minutes

Calling up customer service
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computers, Computer, technology, pc gaming, gaming memes, gaming, Memes, funny memes, computer repair, build, system, Tech support, technical difficulties, Tech, games, Videogames, graphics

25 Computer Building Memes for Graphic-Driven Gamers

A sad occasion has occurred. Seven years after initially building and upgrading my PC, the system has finally failed. Hours of diagnostics and prodding proved fruitless. My gaming computer has definitely bit the dust. I knew it was coming. The setup was already on its last legs. It's just sad to finally see the day come when it gave up. My desktop has been there for me through thick and thin. But when there's loss, there's room for growth. I'm assembling my new build . There's a lot to consider…
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wholesome twitter FAIL smart phone Twitter Thread iPhones technical difficulties grandfather technology apps cute old people Grandpa Tech funny tweets funny - 20026629

Wholesome: Tech-Challenged Grandpa Reveals He Goes to Brick and Mortar Stores to Download Their Apps

It's absolutely mind-boggling to think of all the tech-related advancements that have occurred over the last, oh, fifty years. And while we do poke fun at the technical abilities (or lack thereof) of the geriatrics in our lives, we've really got to hand it to them: There's been a lot to keep up with. While my 93-year-old grandmother impresses me with her knowledge of how to email, the truth is that there are definitely elderly people who are both more and less technologically advanced than she…
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old, old people rock, Facebook Fail, facebook, old people, old people facebook, facebook marketplace, the elderly, technical difficulties, technologically impaired, technology, Technologically Impaired Duck, elderly

Wholesome Old People Facebook Posts That Prove Not All Boomers are Bad

We criticize baby boomers a lot here at Memebase, and deservedly so! They've been acting foolish since they were teenagers, and even though it pains us, today, we're here to show boomers some love. If there's one thing baby boomers love to do, it's being active on Facebook. Most boomers do not get social media, and they probably never will. If there's one arena of the online world they thrive in, it's Facebook dot com . There, baby boomers can connect with friends from high school, sell their p…
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A compilation of funny tweets reacting to Twitter Blue

The Funniest Reactions To Twitter Users Paying For Verification

Twitter Blue has arrived
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