

Teacher makes hall passes with ight imma head out spongebob meme.

Millennial Teacher Goes Viral For Amazing Meme-y Hall Passes

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Funny pics of kids' homework and tests where they outsmarted the teachers

Examples Of Smartass Kids Outsmarting Their Teachers

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Funny meme about sense of humor, attendance, jokes about being absent.
Via @memebase

Why Is This True?

Funny meme about how teachers wet their fingers to turn pages.
Via @memebase

It Has To Be Here Somewhere

Funny meme about looking for a presentation that doesn't exist.
Via ty4freedoge
Funny school memes, teachers, students, education, college memes, university memes.

30 Relatable School Memes That'll Take You Right Back To Hell

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Not Again

Funny meme, funny meme about teachers and youtube autoplay.
Via Know Your Meme
Funny school memes.

20 School Memes That'll Trigger Anyone Who's Ever Been A Student

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Fooled Ya, Teach

Caption that reads, "When a teacher says you can't use Wikipedia as a reference so you use the references from Wikipedia as the source" above a still of Dave Chappelle saying, "Modern problems require modern solutions"
Via capttaain

He's Just So Versatile

Text that reads, "Teacher: What are you laughing at? Me: Nothing; Also me: ..." above a pic of Elon Musk's face photoshopped to look like a musket called an 'Elon Musket'
Via eldieron24


Funny meme about professor who shares memes.
Via classicalfck


Caption that reads, "You aren't always gonna have a calculator in your pocket! - Lying-ass '90s teachers" above a pic of a guy making the Spongebob mocking face
Via goofygoofygoofygooberrock

Even Mannequins Wanna Be The Cool Professor

Funny meme about mannequin, cool professor.
Via stability

Godspeed, Teachers

AskReddit thread asking teachers what the difference is between their students from 1997, 2007 and 2017 students - teacher replies that in '97 it was note-passing, '07 was texting, and '17 was watching Netflix in class
Via JamesONarwal

Well, That's One Way To Do It

Caption reads, "Pretty sure my kid is a genius" above a school assignment that asked students to put words in alphabetical order; kid instead puts the letters of each respective word in order
Via Blownpooter
Funny random memes, funny memes, dank memes, fantasy memes, animal memes.

23 Mesmerizing Memes For Your Hump Day Pleasure

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