

aita, reddit, kids, parenting, car, toy, prize, raffle, reddit thread, controversy, tantrum

'I said it's his choice': 8-year-old wins fancy toy in raffle, gets pressured to give it away by adults after another kid throws a tantrum about it

He won fair and square
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Babies, karens, tantrum, baby, screaming, tantrums, customers, flight, airlines, yelling, customer, passenger, airline, baby boomers, boomers, airplanes, karen, airplane, flying

Rowdy Airline Passenger Throws Tantrum Because of Crying Baby, Gets Arrested

There are very few places where adults are punished for acting a fool . You can't scream and yell at work or the airport. That's it. Technically, you can, but it can have incredibly dire consequences for your life. Everywhere else, yelling at people because you're mildly irritated is not only common but often condoned. When somebody yells about their food at a restaurant, said restaurant is likely to comp their order, thereby validating the bad behavior. Constant adult temper tantrums can ruin…
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best parting memes from the internet this week

Funniest Parenting Memes From This Week That Parents Deserve More Than Their Kids as a Treat

Parenting hack: Laugh at memes
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kid memes kids-are-tiring tantrum tired funny memes parenting Memes bad day grown up - 17988613

Funniest Parenting Memes That Have Blessed Our Feeds This Week

I'm not tired, you're tired
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fast food, karen, customer service, rant, tantrum, drive thru, root beer float, treat, video, tiktok

Arby’s Drive Thru Karen Throws Tantrum Over Order She Hasn’t Even Received Yet

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Funny dank memes from Star Wars prequkes where Anakin Skywalker yells, "Liar!" | Daisy Ridley Guess who's going find gf this 2020 LIAR! | tweet by DreamWorks Animation @DWAnimations Shrek 5. February 2020. Get ready Liar!

Anakin Has A Tantrum In These Dank 'Liar' Memes

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frustrating tantrum screaming kids toddlers parenting Meltdown parents crying children - 8470021

17 Toddler Tantrums That'll Make Your Reproductive Organs Shrivel Up

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The Joys Of Parenting

Funny tweet that reads, "My son keeps grabbing fists of air and screaming 'mine.' My daughter is crying saying TJ is stealing my air...they are in my bedroom, on a Saturday morning"
Via itsmollaby215


Caption that reads, "'Are you smart? Spell it;' Third-grader: 'S-M-A-R-T;' 'I said spell IT;' Third-grader: ..." above pics of a little kid having a meltdown
Via laAguaCh0Ch4

Have You Ever Been So Mad

angry bridge tantrum - 4528071936
Via get serious or get f*cked