tales from your server

 server tales from your server server life restaurant server server memes restaurant restaurants restaurant work working in a restaurant waiter service industry service industry story tips tipping tipping culture antiwork antiwork story Reddit reddit thread

Server earns $2500 tip on a $150 meal, restaurant manager refuses to pay it out to them: 'I feel like I just got robbed'

Customers insist restaurant use brand new silverware that has never touched meat before, then leave when server tries to accommodate: ‘They only use meat free tools, right?’

Customers insist restaurant use brand new silverware that has never touched meat before, then leave when server tries to accommodate: ‘They only use meat free tools, right?’

entitled people, customers, server, drinks, order, waiter, reddit, reddit thread

Fed up servers reveal the best ways they deal with entitled customers who interrupt their greeting with a drink order: 'And coffee to you too'

26 Freshly Brewed Restaurant Memes for Service Workers Eager to Clock Out

26 Service Industry Memes Fresh Off the Flat Top for Burnt Out Bartenders and Waitresses

'She told him sharply to go sit down': Server Disciplines Customer’s Child, Parents Demand to Speak to Manager

'She told him sharply to go sit down': Server Disciplines Customer’s Child, Parents Demand to Speak to Manager

‘Pay first, then leave’: Server Catches Wind of Family’s Sly Attempt to Dine and Dash, Doesn’t Leave Their Side Until They Pay Their $200 Dollar Bill

‘Pay first, then leave’: Server Catches Wind of Family’s Sly Attempt to Dine and Dash, Doesn’t Leave Their Side Until They Pay Their $200 Dollar Bill

‘Leave immediately’: Manager kicks server off shift, ordering them to go home and change clothes in order to comply with dress code

‘Leave immediately’: Manager kicks server off shift, ordering them to go home and change clothes in order to comply with dress code

‘I dropped a full pizza onto a man’s lap': 20+ funniest stories from servers about cringy mistakes they made on the job 

‘I dropped a full pizza onto a man’s lap': 20+ funniest stories from servers about cringy mistakes they made on the job 

'Can't say I didn't warn you...': Demanding Guest Gets Removed From Hotel Premises After Testing the Front Desk Clerk’s Patience

'Can't say I didn't warn you...': Demanding Guest Gets Removed From Hotel Premises After Testing the Front Desk Clerk’s Patience

Server Finds Herself on the Ground in Last Attempt to Salvage Tips From Customers During Shift Gone Wrong

Server Finds Herself on the Ground in Last Attempt to Salvage Tips From Customers During Shift Gone Wrong

‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

'He took it too far': Petty Family Leave Restaurant a Bad Review in an Attempt to Get an Extra Discount

'He took it too far': Petty Family Leave Restaurant a Bad Review in an Attempt to Get an Extra Discount

Customer Refuses to Tip Waiter After Demanding Menu Be Tailored to His Preferences

Customer Refuses to Tip Waiter After Demanding Menu Be Tailored to His Preferences

Karen Refuses to Tip Servers Despite Restaurant Continuously Complying With Her Demands

Karen Refuses to Tip Servers Despite Restaurant Continuously Complying With Her Demands

Karen Takes It One Step Too Far When Bossing Coworkers Around

Karen Takes It One Step Too Far When Bossing Coworkers Around

reddit thread, reddit, tales from your server, server industry, tipping, bad customer, manipulative, red flag, dating, relationships, liars

Shady Customer Tries to Cancel Generous Tip While Date Isn't Looking, Server Humiliates Him