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'Block her number and move on': Boutique owner gifts employee jumpsuit from her store, demands it back when employee injures herself

A gift’s a gift
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‘You get what you give’: Cheap Cars Salesman Loses His Reputation and $40,000 After Trying to Cheat a Customer Out of $100

‘You get what you give’: Cheap Cars Salesman Loses His Reputation and $40,000 After Trying to Cheat a Customer Out of $100

To truly understand the complexity of the sales industry, one must be employed in the field itself. To finalize the transaction, you must adapt to the individual with whom you are speaking. Would you truly give up your dignity and pride to get that coin, though? To seal the deal, would you be prepared to give up everything you stand for? The story below is an account of a frustrated car enthusiast. The original poster (OP) explains how he purchased his 'dream car', the Fiesta ST2, from a shady…
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‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

Customer service is never an easy job to work in. A whole different story, though, applies to customer service jobs during the holiday season. A disappointed retail sales associate tells his story below. For a while now, OP has been employed in the field of customer service. He is therefore well-acquainted with the variety of challenges that come with working in the field of customer service, especially retail. However, OP's life isn't getting any easier because of the new craze that's taking t…
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‘She spoiled everything, so I spoiled right back’: To get back at her entitled co-worker, woman decides to spoil the ending of her favorite book

‘She spoiled everything, so I did too’: To get back at her entitled co-worker, woman decides to spoil the ending of her favorite book

Spoilers ahead...
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