

‘You chose to be a loser’: Parents refuse to support entitled daughter after she mocks her mom for choosing family over career, leading to a heated dispute

‘You chose to be a loser’: Parents refuse to support entitled daughter after she mocks her mom for choosing family over career, leading to a heated dispute

The older I get, the more I am drawn to becoming a stay-at-home mom. Granted, I do not have any kids yet, but once I do, I am starting to grow fond of the idea of staying home and taking care of them as my full-time job. I am also fully aware that being a stay-at-home mom is no easy task, and often it is even harder than a normal 9-5 job. That is why I think it is important that everyone who grew up with a mom who gave up on her career to raise her kids, should really show their appreciation. U…
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Affair partner pressures her husband's 17-year-old son to ask his father to stop paying unofficial spousal support so he can afford her kid's extracurricular activities: 'She told me they need all of dad's money right now'

She's got some nerve
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Heartening Thread Shows How Friendship Gets People Through Hard Times

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