

Husband, wife, Argument, work, amitheahole, reddit, reddit thread, Marriage, factory, partner, supervisor, Boss, irrational, frustrating, subreddit, Phone, cell phone, annoying, facepalm

‘It was dumb of her to call me’ Irrational Man Screams at Caring Wife for Calling to Make Sure He Wasn’t Caught in a Fire

When you're highly concerned about someone you care about, your initial response would be to immediately call, right? It's a natural and reasonable response when you fear for your loved ones. But what if it was your life partner? If you thought they were in serious trouble, you'd call them until you got an answer. Reddit user /u/alphiotomas described an argument he had with his wife on the /r/amitheasshole subreddit. The user described the factory where he worked where he was prohibited from us…
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antiwork, work, jobs, union, labor, horrible bosses, malicious compliance, reddit, reddit thread, over time, foreman, supervisor

Petty Boss Penalizes Worker for Being 10 Minutes Late, Skillful Revenge Ensues

Who will win: one petty supervisor with a bad attitude or a worker with all the leverage in the world? In this episode of Malicious Compliance, u/fire_me_anytime tells the tale of “Bobby,” an indispensable CNC machinist who, for some reason, was the only guy in the entire crew who knew how to make an essential (and super expensive) part of the company's product. Can you guess what happened when Bobby's supervisor decided to flex a muscle he didn't have and smugly serve him a demerit slip for be…
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Bad and horrible annoying boss becomes angry when employee takes vacation and goes off the grid, work, office, family

Entitled Boss Loses It When Vacationing Employee Is Unreachable

Vacation time is precious. Every day that most of us salaried workers toil equals a percentage of a day of freedom. That freedom can be enjoyed in many different ways: a little staycation with your partner, ordering fancy takeout and sleeping in. Or perhaps a beach getaway, sleeping and drinking on the sand, letting the salt water rejuvenate ones body. Whatever the flavor of vacation, there is one important and universal truth for that time: You do not have to work. Most of the time we are acti…
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manager, work, job, supervisor, chaotic, funny, young, tiktok

Woman Reveals Behind the Scenes Chaos of Being a Supervisor at Eighteen

Way too much responsibility
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baggage, luggage, work, malicious compliance, supervisor, manager, job, airport, airplane, reddit

Baggage Handler Costs Airline Thousands After They Refuse To Pay Extra Hourly Rate

They played themselves
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