

Star Wars vs. Star Trek

star wars Star Trek stormtrooper - 8129947648

I Never Could Quite Get Past This Little Detail


Who Said Storm Troopers Couldn't Shoot Anything

star wars stormtrooper gifs Empire Strikes Back at at - 8441293568
Created by tamaleknight

It All Makes Sense Now!

star wars stormtrooper - 8421159168

The Imperial Science Academy

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I Try Guys, Honestly I Do...

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Just Another Trooper

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He Still Missed

star wars stormtrooper elf on the shelf - 8408671232
Via oh-how-marvelous

The Dark Side of Birth

Babies star wars stormtrooper web comics - 8342533376
Via What The F Memes

Stormtroopers Are Masters of Disguise

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Why is This TIE Fighter Shooting Storm Troopers

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Created by anselmbe

It Went Right Over His Head

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How Did They Not Realize This?

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If Only the Ships Had Some Ewoks on Them

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Via Ninja and Pirate

The Stoppable Force Meets the Movable Object

funny red shirt stormtrooper Star Trek star wars - 8255414016

Stormtroopers Are Stupid

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