
staying in

A Cup of Hot Cocoa Memes for Cozy Cold Nights In That'll Keep You Warm

A Cup of Hot Cocoa Memes for Cozy Cold Nights In That'll Keep You Warm

Don't let it cool!
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An Extra Topping of Meme for Your Pizza Night-In

An Extra Topping of Memes for Your Pizza Night In

It's not delivery, it's DiGiormemes.
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home, house, isolation, going out, staying in, twitter, debate, controversy, wfh, people

'Insane person behavior': People debate the normality of not leaving the house for one day

Keyboard warriors were not happy
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going out staying in introverts introvert memes stay at home relatable meme lol funny antisocial socializing outside inside society work from home

Stay at Home Memes for Antisocial Introverts Who Will Happily Work From Home For the Rest of Their Lives

I want to go out to the bars, but I also really really don't want to
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