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'You decided to be mean': Frugal woman refuses to pay $70 to see close friend's concert, says she's 'not an artist'

Is that fair?
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askreddit, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, money, rich, rich people, millionaire, billionaire, shopping, lottery, interesting, regular people, spending money

'Tailored bespoke clothing': Regular folks share the ‘rich person things’ they’d adopt if they made it big

If I were a rich man
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Funny tweets about direct deposit stimulus, $1400, politics, united states, oprah, money

Direct Deposit Memes Reveal Twitter's Hilarious Stimulus Plans

What will you do with your direct deposit?
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Spend Responsibly This Weekend

Funny meme about being broke after the weekend
Via bestmemesperiod

Just Charge It

Funny tweet about buying things.
Via no-chill-at-all

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