
spanish flu

History memes, Ancient history, ancient greece, ancient rome, alexander the great, world history, european history,

30 Funny Memes For History Nerds

They're a blast from the past.
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Funny dank memes about the Spanish Flu | Health officials 1918: Don't hold any big public events, itll spread Spanish Flu Philadelphia: Oh mean like this giant 100,000 person parade just held? Health officials | Allies Autumn 1918 Germany again celebrating imminent victory Great War Spanish Flu Great Depression Jason Momoa sneaking up on Henry Cavill

Fifteen Spanish Flu Memes For People Who Like Dark, Historical Humor

A little dark humor for y'all.
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Twitter thread investigates spanish flu, anti-mask league, importance of wearing masks | Tim Mak @timkmak THREAD History doesn't repeat itself, but rhymes thread about Anti-Mask League 1919 not kiddingI went HAM researching this So, starting Sept 2018 San Francisco suffered Spanish Flu pandemic. Initial mask wearing good around 80 percent | By November cases were down, and public health officials recommended re-opening city. Residents rushed entertainment venues after having been denied this com

History-Packed Twitter Thread Uses Spanish Flu Missteps To Highlight Importance Of Masks

Wear a mask, people.
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