
Soviet Russia

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30 Dank History Memes & Jokes About The Past

Learn while you laugh
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Funny Memes, Dank Memes, History Memes, Educational Memes | about 3.8 billion years ago, after earth cooled and first oceans formed first prokaryotes. are guys paying attention don't want any doze off and then just make up some shit about snakes and ribs | Feudalism Count Votes

28 Delightfully Clever Memes For History Buffs

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Funny dank memes about communism | see comrade recognize out on street Lenin waving | perfect visual analogy capitalism doesn't exi 10 STAY F PACKS 10 NABISCO STAY FRESH PACKS OREO R

Fourteen Communist Memes For Anyone Not Over The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

Where the comrades at?
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Funny dank memes about communism | students looking to the back of the class only communist kid class and teacher brings up SEXY PEOPLE | bae thinks home but out building socialism Just chilin bed hammer and sickle flag

Dank Communist Memes For Anyone Who Wants To Burn It All Down

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Funny memes about communism | man in tiger costume scaring a cat memes about Communism co-worker just added as friend on Facebook | Stalin as Mii Wii player and console

Fourteen Communist Memes For The Hardworking Proletariat

Not me, us.
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Funny memes about Slavic people, Eastern Europe | Everyone: 90's were best years our lives, everything better Ex Yugo kids: conceited reaction pursing lips | the joker movie My brother saying suka blyat waiter Russian restaurant who told him meant thank Russian

Forty-Seven Slavic Memes Straight From Eastern Europe

сука блять.
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Funny dank memes about Russia, Russian people | Corporate needs find differences between this picture and this picture An idiot They're same picture. pam from the office. Top 10 Most Powerful Anime Characters All Time

Dank Russian Memes You'll Tank Us For Later

Where the Eastern Europeans at?
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33 Cold War Memes Great For Capitalists & Communists Alike

33 Amusing Cold War Memes Great For Capitalists & Communists Alike

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22 Extremely WTF Russia Pics That Will Give You Strength To Fight Big Bear

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funny rogue one scene

These Trending 'Rogue One' Memes Prove That Resistance Is Indeed Futile

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14 Russian Memes That'll Give You Strength To Fight Bear

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36 Educational History Memes That Won't Repeat Themselves

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Still of Iron Giant wearing a track suit, who represents "Russia" leaning over boy, who represents "Literally any Eastern European country"
Via Gassyburger
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17 History Memes That'll Take You On A Time Machine Journey

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14 WTF Amazon Reviews That Deserve An Award For Their Absurdity

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history memes, iron giant slav squatting in adidas tracksuit

41 Assorted History Memes That'll Make You Feel A Tad Smarter

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