

rich snobby people memes | king Squidward on a throne people w/ unlimited data scrolling past wifi checking memes like | The Kardashians Imagine being so rich doing average people things is like mini vacation poor people's land MasiPopal Woo subway!

15 Snobby Rich People Memes That All You Poors Just Won't Understand

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Potato, Potato

Pic of Winnie the Pooh next to text that reads, "Tomato" above a pic of Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh next to text that reads, "Tomato"
Via booksRmyfriends
whole foods vegan snobby bourgeois memes

14 Snobby Whole Foods Memes That'll Make You Feel Like The Dirt-Poor Scum You Are

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A Fellow Man of Culture Memes

'Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh' Memes Are Full Of Pretentious Snobbery

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Family Guy meme where Meg represents "iPhones - You guys always act like you're better than me" above another still of three characters wearing top hats representing, "Samsung, two cans and a string, and literally just screaming at people from a distance"
Via InterdimensionalMindset

Ah Yes, Sounds Like Notes Of Sandalwood And Polo Balls

Picture of a guy listening to his wine glass under the caption, "If you encounter wine snobs, confuse them by using this move"
Via MrPuckett