

dark-humor dark-humor-memes meme memes random funny sarcastic sarcastic-memes snarky dank late-night memeing lol comedy

31 Dark Humor Memes for Sarcastic Cynics Searching for the Memeing of Life

Memes that crawled up from the depths
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boomer-roast, millennials-roasting-boomers, roasting-boomers, boomer-parents, retiring-boomer, viral-video, millennials-respond,

'Here comes the "Find Out" phase': Dark-humored millennials roast boomers while they're down in an 'I-told-ya-so-themed' comment section of a viral video

To be salty is to be free.
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gamer-memes jedi-fallen-order jedi-survivor star-wars star-wars-game cal gamers games video-games memes jedi-memes star-wars-memes gaming snarky meme gamer-memes

Snarky Jedi Memes for Rogue Gamers Who (Mistakenly) Thought They Could Handle the Hardest Difficulty on a Star Wars Game

Here's hoping Cal loots 100 new ponchos in Jedi Survivor
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Funny Tinder conversations

15 Tinder Convos That Took A Snarky Turn For The Worst

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Funny tweets from the Twitter account "Darth Vader" | Darth Vader @2extreme2online "Know who else birther? Luke Skywalker. Guy just couldn't take an 'l am father an answer."

Fourteen Darth Vader Tweets That Bring Some Snark To The Dark Side

Come to the Dark Side.
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invigorating sassy tumblr posts | official-estonia If having bad day, remember 16th century Baltic Germans dressed like this: illustration of people dressed in pastel colored robes that cover them completely. officialunitedstates wife is pregnant, due any day suddenly contractions start "CAN'T, WON'T HAVEN'T, DON'T, ISN'T" she says mememic-bry "doc appears contractions are worsening nurse says between breaths wife gasps and screeches Y'ALL'D'VE"

17 Invigorating Tumblr Posts That'll Just Speak To You

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I'm Doin' It, Doc

Funny meme that reads, "When the doctor says you need to watch your drinking" above a photo of a guy looking at himself drinking in the mirror
Via KingRememberedInTime1
Funny random tweets

Thirty-Eight Tantalizing Tweets For All Entertainment Needs

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Funny meme referencing the line "Well damn Jackie, I can't control the weather" from That '70s Show
Via LeoSenior
Funny and passive aggressive office notes

16 Clever & Passive Aggressive Office Notes That Speak The Damn Truth

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Funny tweets from Anna Kendrick

15 Anna Kendrick Tweets From The Sassy Twitter Queen Herself

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Funny and stupid Quora question about whether it is okay to refuse a meal on a flight

Snarky Dude Tells Clueless Quora User That Refusing Airline Food Has Catastrophic Consequences

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Yelp, funny story, restaurant review

Lying Yelper Gets Called Out After Trying To Paint Restaurant Employee As 'Racist'

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Sick Burn From Mr. Feeny!

Funny moment from Boy Meets World with Cory and Mr. Feeny
Via antoniocandelaria49
troll in the  dedicated section of books

18 Troll-y Authors Who Brought The Sass In The 'Dedicated' Section

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bad office jokes that make work more bearable

15 Times Office Smartasses Owned Their Coworkers With Terrible Jokes

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