

cats sleeping

27 Cute AF Pics Of Cats Sleeping In Bizarre Positions

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I'm Out

Caption that reads, "Imagine you marry someone and find out they sleep like No. 6" above a chart of different sleeping positions, number six being very odd
Via UsernameNoLongerValid

Ooh, What'll It Be Today??

Tweet that reads, "I like to play this game called Nap Roulette. It's where I take a nap but don't set an alarm. Will it be a 30-minute nap? Will it be a four-hour nap? Will I wake up tomorrow? Nobody knows. But it's risky. And I like it"
Via JustARegularHorse

The Skeleton War Is Coming

Caption that reads, "If you feel uncomfortable in the night, please understand it is just your skeleton's inherent need for freedom" above illustrations of a guy sleeping with his skeleton dancing around inside of him
Via tacosharks

Yep, Be There In No Time!

Caption that reads, "When I tell someone I'm on my way" above a pic of a guy sleeping under a comforter with an image of a guy riding a bicycle on it
Via Wonqu
Funny memes and tweets about being single, valentine's day, sleep, sleeping.

#SignsYouAreSingle Is A Hilariously Relatable Twitter Game For Anyone Without A Valentine

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Totally Unrealistic Standards

Tweet that reads, "Video games allow us to do and experience things that are completely impossible in real life" above a still from a video game that reads, "You awaken feeling well-rested"
Via Aluxir

Aw F*ck

Caption that reads, "When you wake up and check your phone to see how much longer you can sleep, but it's right before your alarm rings" above a pic of a character from Rick and Morty lying in bed looking at his alarm clock
Via killb
Funny tweets, relatable tweets, sleep, work.

24 Relatable Tweets That Speak The Truth

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Literally Every Morning

Pic of a guy looking at a clock that reads "6:00am" above a pic of the guy closing his eyes, above a pic of the guy opening his eyes again and the clock reading "8:20am"
Via doodlydoodledumdum

Wow, Never Considered That!

Caption that reads, "Her: he's probably thinking about other girls;" Him: if two people on opposite sides of the world simultaneously drop a piece of bread, then the earth briefly becomes a sandwich" above the 'I bet he's thinking about other women' meme
Via mg7374128350
Funny random memes.

30 Dumb Memes To Distract You From Your Dismal Reality

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Funny memes and tweets, random memes, silly memes, school, life, sleep, web comics.

26 Tasty Meme Treats That'll Kill Your Boredom

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I'm Just Resting My Eyes I Swear

Caption that reads, "'Don't fall asleep;' Me: 'I'm not;' Also me: ..." above a pic of Ice-T falling asleep sitting in a chair
Via OddOneOut1337


Funny meme about ignoring your responsibilities in favor of bed.
Via dankmemesgang

Too Real

Funny meme, pie chart meme about going to sleep at a reasonable hour
Via dankmemesreasonforliving