
significant other

spouse, dating, love, love story, secret, secrets, Reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, ask reddit, funny reddit, subreddit, significant other

People Share Secrets They'll Never Tell Their Spouse

Take that one to the grave
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*Sigh* Here We Go

Caption that reads, "When you laugh at a dumb meme and your partner, who is not aninternet person, asks what's funny but it's like a tier-three meme and you gotta explain about seven years of internet for them to understand the nuances" above a still of Jack Black in School of Rock explaining something to a class at the blackboard
Via KingRememberedInTime1

Hot Take

Tweet that reads, "I mean, I'm no love expert, but I'm pretty sure the dude making you cry every day isn't your soulmate"
Via Cantfindmybirthcertificate
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15 Horror Stories From Couples Who Moved In Together

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Works For People Of Any Generation!

An old and young couple ignoring their respective significant others
Via anlyin