

Funny dank memes about the weird things people have started doing during quarantine | day 7 quarantine: Wanna get drunk bro down boy speaking and listening to the same tube | QUARANTINE DAY 13: DOLPHINS RETURN VENICE CANALS ABSENCE WATER TRAFFIC QUARANTINE DAY 134: Jesus riding a dinosaur

Quarantine Is Getting Real Weird For A Lot Of People, According To These Dank Memes

We're all bored out of our minds.
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Funny memes about being quarantined | Monday Saturday growing toilet paper seeds in water | Government: Please work home. Jehova Witness: u/Mareheis man knocking on a door from inside the house

Thirty-One Quarantined Memes For Extremely Bored Teens

We're all bored out of our minds.
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Interesting Twitter thread about the good news surrounding coronavirus | Marcello Ruffini #FBPE @MarcelloRuffini mate sent this on WhatsApp about some good news China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases support them Doctors India have been successful treating Coronavirus. Combination drugs used:

Hopeful Twitter Thread Highlights Some Of The Good News Surrounding Coronavirus

Finally, some good effing news.
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Funny meme that reads, "Check on ur conspiracy friends. They are not ok right now..." above a still of Charlie Day doing the 'Pepe Silvia' bit
Via snarkybreeders

Got That Good Sh*t

Funny meme that reads, "Toilet paper seeds .25 each" above a photo of a bag of toilet paper rolls
Via evhylton93365


Funny meme that reads, "When you find out your daily lifestyle is actually called 'quarantine'" above images of the nervous monkey looking around
Via theweirdinstruction
Funny tweets written by Tom Hanks | Tom Hanks O @tomhanks 03 Th6 17 v mean Hanx? 229 FROZFRI STRAWDERRY PAPPLE LIA TIPS THANKS 425 27 1.375 16,5K

Twenty-One Tweets From The Beloved Tom Hanks

Get well soon!
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Interesting Mythbusters video that demonstrates how easy it is to contract a cold

Video Demonstrates How Easy It Is To Spread A Sickness Around

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Video of a Trump supporter woman who doesn't think that coronavirus is real

MAGA Lady Straight Up Denies That Coronavirus Exists

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The Dank Drop: funny dank memes about coronavirus | odin from the thor movie:  joke about Corona Virus but now 's like 10 mins away home Oh, shit. | 2020 every two minutes This isn't even my final form dbz frieza

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (3-07 To 3-13)

Don't get the 'Rona!
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Good Work, Bob

Funny meme featuring a stick figure named Bob who is taking the correct precautions against coronavirus | this is bob bob is not panicking bob listens to scientists instead of news media bob is not buying items in bulk bob washes his hands all year long because he's not gross and knows basic hygiene
Via anlyin
Funny memes about hand sanitizer, coronavirus | yellow mascot running away from security in uniforms hand sanitizer hand sanitizer 1% germs | got good Purell $50 gram text plastic bag with clear liquid

Fourteen Hand Sanitizer Memes For The Germaphobes Among Us

Germaphobes unite.
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Funny memes about the medical field, doctors, hospitals | Normal sick people stay home People with Coronavirus: Diseases brought diseases | My health insurance company checking see if have coverage woman playing solitaire on her computer behind a counter while a busy line waits for her

Fourteen Medical Memes That Probably Won't Distract From Coronavirus

But at least they *are* funny!
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Text message thread about how to protect yourself against coronavirus | Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven be effective blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses multiplying throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several times each day begin feel ANY "cold- like" symptoms beginning is best

Informative Guide To Not Catching Coronavirus Might Help Curb The Pandemic

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Do Not Touch Me

Funny object-label meme that shows someone shaking hands saying they need to work together to stop coronavirus, above a photo of someone washing their hands afterward
Via anlyin
Educational comic about the anxiety surrounding the coronavirus pandemic | illustration OTTER WAY LIFE Coronavirus: Am overreacting Anxiety robert..otter few days ago went Supermarket buy rice my family. And this happened. CASHIER Then started receive MANY panicky messages about virus robert..otter

Artist Tackles Coronavirus Anxiety With Educational Comic

Try not to panic.
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