

Informative Twitter thread about what happens to employees in the service industry when they get sick | tweet by Lauren Hough @laurenthehough don't think people realize many service industry workers will continue going work, cooking and serving food, cleaning houses, and selling respirators, with flu-like symptoms because they don't have paid sick days Even companies do offer sick days, best ever had three. So allowed get sick once year. Unless kid got sick and had use days January

Twitter Thread About Sick Days In The Service Industry Is Depressing As Hell

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Do Not Touch Me

Funny object-label meme that shows someone shaking hands saying they need to work together to stop coronavirus, above a photo of someone washing their hands afterward
Via anlyin
Funny memes about the Plague | plague doctor casually having fun while waiting next bubonic plague arrive cosplayer swings kids park. parents ask where 34 European went population rats stock photography shrugs

Fifteen Terrifying Plague Memes Perfect For Ringing In The '20s

Was it really necessary to make those plague doctor costumes so damn creepy?
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Kids R Gross

Funny tweet about the play area for kids at a doctor's office is full of germs that will make the kids sick | what i see when there's a play area at the doctor's office: cough flu strep uncontrollable diarrhea
Via anlyin

Get Ready, People

Funny meme about the potential for the Plague to come back, given its history of occurring in the '20s in past centuries; features Eminem | 1320s bubonic plague is carried by rats and flea. 1420s black death breakouts in 1429. 1520s aztec empire destroyed by smallpox. 1620 almost all mayflower passengers die of disease and infect much of the colony. 1720s great plague of marseille. 1820s choelera epidemic. 1920s los angeles phuenomic plague. something's wrong i can feel it.
Via tehtariksghost


Funny tweet about winter, winter is just me asking my body "are you sick" twitter meme
Via @memebase
Funny and relatable memes for people who have chronic illnesses

Frustrating Memes For Those Who Suffer From A Chronic Illness

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Funny tweet that reads, "There's a universe inside of you" above an x-ray of someone's chest that appears to have stars in it; someone replies below, "This is definitely tuberculosis"
Via DaymoSmasher

It's Horrifying

Funny meme that reads, 'When you get home from the hospital all recovered and you look at the medical bill" above an illustration of a woman about to throw up
Via crazy3

That's The Good Stuff

Funny meme with Squidward about one nostril clearing up while you're sick
Via Joshsta

Oh God!!

Caption that reads, "*Googles symptoms;* Web MD: You already died; Me: ..." above a pic of a woman looking distressed in a hospital gown
Via UrBoiNoNo

Way Too Poor For That

Caption that reads, "'Do you have health insurance? Me: ..." above pics of Vick's VapoRub, soup and a can of Sprite
Via UsernameNoLongerValid

Hell Yeah

Caption that reads, "Him: Will I be able to play guitar when this is healed? Doctor: Yes, of course! Him: LMAO sick! I couldn't play before I broke my arm" above a stock photo of a nurse bandaging up a guy's broken arm
Via whyareyouwearingthatstupidmansuit00

Straight Up Germ Factories

Caption that reads, "This is how lil kids cough" above a pic of a cat with a contorted weird-looking mouth
Via OggyWara


Caption that reads, "Me: Immune system, why do I have a fever? Immune system: Because the infection can't survive very long above 98.6 degrees, so I rose the temperature to kill it!' Me: I also can't survive very long above 98.6 degrees;' Immune system: ..." above Surprised Pikachu meme
Via asceasaurusrex

Righteous Bro

Map of Australia from the 1800s that depicts a giant river going through the middle of the continent, and text that reads, "Thomas J. Maslen imagined a big river in the middle of Australia, 1830"
Via Sevault