
shut up and take my money

A Perfect Valentine's Day Present for a Gamer

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Created by The_Fool_on_the_Hill ( Via TwikiConcept )

Just Don't Spend It All on Blackjack and Hookers

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Created by freshbru

How To Scare The Crap Out Of Your Neighbors

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Created by shkinnyburger

Want a Twinkie?

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Created by nuclear-potato

If You Can Find Them...

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Created by DAY.TRiPPER

Don't Worry About Radiation Poisoning

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Long Line at the Store, I Presume

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Created by macsam

Shut Up and Take My Money

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Just Take It Already

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Created by MrBananaMan212

The Solution To Our USB Problems

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Created by Jazzure

That's a Steal!

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Created by haphazardman

The Original Shut Up and Take My Money

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Take All My Florins

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Technical Difficulties

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Created by Thepkufon

Valve, Half-Life 3, and Me

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Created by Bigheadblue
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Fans Have Met a Terrible Fate

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