

TikTokers Just Realize That the Chicken Crossed the Road for a Very Macabre Reason and They Are Shocked

TikTokers Just Realize That the Chicken Crossed the Road for a Very Macabre Reason and They Are Shocked

Ok, but for real… Was it common knowledge that this basic joke was actually dark humor??
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Funny meme that reads, "Plant cells: we are so tiny that humans will never be able to see us; humans: *invent microscope;* plant cells: ..." above an image of a plant cell appearing to make the 'surprised pikachu' face
Via redmare1999
kim k becoming a lawyer

Kim K Just Announced That She Wants To Be A Lawyer And Twitter Is Pretty Shook Over It

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How Could This Happen??

Caption that reads, "When I find myself in the exact same situation I told myself I'd never get into again" above a still of Mrs. Puff from Spongebob looking shocked
Via ridiculost

Holy Sh*t You're Right

Caption that reads, "If you think about it, gorillas don't know any bodybuilding techniques so we've probably never seen one at full strength" above a pic of Joe Rogan looking shocked
Via chimrichaldsphd

Shade Thrown!

Pic of a guy, who represents "Apple," holding out a box which represents "The same phone but for a larger price" above a pic of a shocked guy, who represents "Apple fans"
Via nerfasians

'I Had No Idea Officer, I Swear!'

'Surprised Pikachu' meme with a caption that reads, "Me acting shocked when the cop tells me I was going over the speed limit"
Via StereotypicalScorpio


Caption that reads, "Me: I'm tired of using Pikachu as a base for memes; Pikachu: ..." above a pic of surprised Weepinbell
Via HannibalBuressSayingWack
Funny twitter thread about distracted boyfriend's girlfriend looking shocked.

Twitter Reveals Distracted Boyfriend's Partner's Shocking Backstory

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Which Is It?

the internets shocked image - 8996319744
Via onlytwitterpics
twitter FAIL scared reactions shocked animals - 1166085

Capybara Crippled With Fear Instantly Becomes the Internet's Hilarious, Number One Fascination

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photoshop battle baby otter

The Photoshop Battle Gods Couldn't Help Themselves With This Picture of a Shocked Baby Otter

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Would-be Bike Thieves Get Electrocuted

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Kids These Days: Literally Sticking Metal into a Socket

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Husband Pranks His Wife With a Fake Electrocution

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anime color hilarious lost shocked - 4726676480
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