
service industry

Funny memes about working in customer service

20 Uber-Relatable Memes For Anyone Who Works In Customer Service

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I'm Waiting

Funny meme about refreshing yelp after getting into a fight with a customer, looking for your name.
Via @memebase
customer service memes

17 Aggravating Memes For The Disgruntled Customer Service Worker

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Undoubtedly About An Expired Coupon

Funny tweet that reads, "Some of y'all have never been yelled at by a middle-aged white lady about something wildly outside the realm of your pay grade while working in the service industry and it shows"
Via Kingrablo
the face karen makes memes | Woman -  face white woman makes tell her manager is on their way | Ppl will really b like "omg l cant believe have work on thanksgiving should be home with family While scanning their shit like f cking reason Karen. Go home 11/16/18, 10:04 PM

30 Infuriating 'Karen' Memes That Demand To Speak With Your Manager This Instant

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Twitter, tweets from mcdonalds workers, fast food.

19 Tragic Tales From The Service Sector Of McDonald's

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funny retail memes

Retail Memes For Anyone Who Has To Deal With Aggravating Customers

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For All The Customer Service Peeps

Caption that reads, "When there's a deep rage burning inside you but you gotta act nice cause you're at work" above a pic of a little dog with a fake-looking smile on its face
Via lindisty0110

Where All My Customer Service Peeps At

Tweet that reads, "Sometimes I hear songs that played when I worked in retail and I get PTSD"
Via FishCoffin
server memes, customer service, waiters

20 Memes That Accurately Portray The Agony Of Server Life

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The Choice Is Pretty Clear

Meme that involves three doors representing three choices: 1.) "Restart life; 2.) $5 billion; or 3.) Tell customers they're idiots without getting in trouble" - guy kicks down the third door
Via DMCorperate
customer support customer service whisper confessions whisper waiter food service service industry - 5716485

17 Customer Service Employees Reveal What Really Grinds Their Gears

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You'll Figure It Out!

Text message from a manager saying that the restaurant is short-staffed; employee replies that it's crazy and says good luck
Via AnilSeman

Suck Ittttt

Caption reads, "When the customer you're dealing with asks to speak to the manager and the manager says the same thing you did" above a pic of an old lady making a funny face at another old lady
Via Cameraprincess

Wow, I Haven't Heard That One 500 Times Today

Random Fish Guy from Spongebob looking annoyed with the caption, "Me to customer: Can I get you anything else? Customer: A million dollars; Me: ..."
Via simros31415

"If My Card Doesn't Swipe Does That Mean It's Free??"

Pic of a creepy-looking statue in a restaurant with a big smile under the caption, "When the customer's joke isn't funny but you got bills to pay"
Via BotchedToe