
self deprecating

dark memes, depression memes, mental health memes, anxiety, social anxiety, mental illness, depressing, funny memes, memes, relatable memes, self deprecating | 3am and still awake, reflecting on own existence think, therefore don't sleep Descartes | MY DEMONS WON TODAY IM SORRY

30 Miserable Memes Because Sometimes Life Sucks

The struggle is real
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Sick Self-Own

Funny tweet that reads, "You're offered $50,000 but if you accept it, the person you hate most in the entire world gets $100,000. Are you taking it?" Someone replies below, "Yes. Why wouldn't I want $150,000"
Via ArsonistKoala666
Funny Twitter memes entitled, "Follow Me for More Recipes" | Prettygetz Getrudes @PrettygetzG Follow more recipe hot dog sliced and covered in ketchup. Sudipto @tastemythunder Follow more recipes peeled banana on a plate bare minimum food funny kitchen no talent for cooking basic simple

Twitter Users Roast Their Own Cooking 'Skills' With This Culinary Meme

We can't all be Gordon Ramsays.
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Funny Twitter memes about getting romantically rejected entitled, "The Rejection, The Clown" | tweet by zoyajumshaid rejection clown zoya man fuck please no jus no cmon dawg ve're deadass jus FRIENDS thas all ve ever been thas all ever gonna be why would like back bro 's wrong wit ike cant stress this enough are JUS FRIENDS DAWG oh ok

Clownish People Who Got Rejected Meme Their Pathetic Attempts

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funny memes of soldiers holding up society, white girls instagram | drawing of soldiers covered in blood holding up a piece of earth peaceful and green a couple holding hands. White girls' Instagrams OMG so beautiful Thirsty dudes Absolutely gorgeous! Society People post tutorials on YouTube

'Soldiers Holding Up Society' Memes Hail Our Unsung Heroes

We salute you.
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Omg Sad

Funny meme where someone googles why no one came to their birthday party, and the FBI shows up
Via vimalmuru02

We All Have That One Song

Funny tweet that reads, "You know that one song in your playlist that you skip every single time it pops up on shuffle but you refuse to delete it because it sounded nice the first few times you heard it? Yeah I'm that. I'm THAT song. The song you're never in the mood for"
Via anlyin

Sick Self Burn

Funny self-deprecating joke about someone's IQ being 5 times 0
Via LeoSenior

Get Ready

Funny meme about "Disappointment Island"
Via wellisntthatsomething
depressing self deprecating memes

15 Self-Deprecating Memes For When You Just Need To Laugh At Yourself

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Funny meme about self deprecating jokes.
Via classicalfuck


Funny meme about oranges, not the best but still good.
Via onlytwitterpics
funny memes about work, depressing memes, relatable memes, sex scene, showering, procrastination, life.

28 Depressingly Relatable Memes That'll Make You Feel Less Alone

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random memes

25 Random Memes And Tweets That'll Tickle Your Funny Bone

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