

plane airplane travel traveling traveler vacation window-seat seat seats trade kid kids mom moms dad dads daughter tantrum child bad-parenting spoiled entitled drama parents parent parenting

Traveler makes a spoiled 6-year-old cry after refusing to switch seats on the plane, but he stands his ground through the kid's tantrum and the parent's unveiled guilt trip: ‘I paid extra for this seat!’

If they wanted the window seat so bad, they should have paid extra to reserve it...
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upgrade, entitled parents, entitlement, crazy things parents say, plane, reddit story, parenting, entitled, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, parents, airplane, entitled people, seats, seat

Entitled mom demands passenger switch his economy plus seat with her 9-year-old sons basic economy seat, claims she can't sit back with him because she needs the legroom: 'Clearly she cares more about her own comfort than her son's well being'

She should've paid up
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rules, chair, office chair, office kitchen, employee, university, seating, chairs, breakroom, seats, Office Space, employees, Office, seat, college, break room, printer

Private office bans employees from sitting on specific chairs: 'They don't want to see the poor people dirtying the nice furniture'

Why even have chairs?
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Person Gets Back at Passenger Who Ignored Airplane Etiquette, Taking Up 3 Seats During Flight

Person Gets Back at Passenger Who Ignored Airplane Etiquette, Taking Up 3 Seats During Flight

As you tiredly settle into your seat on the plane, the hum of the engines fills the cabin, creating a soothing backdrop for the long flight that awaits. Two seconds later, you notice the person who will occupy the seat next to yours… And you can already tell it won't be a fun flight. Oblivious to the unwritten rules of airplane etiquette, they take up the empty seats between you. That is exactly what happened to u/Leather_Ad_5602, who told their story about an annoying passenger on Reddit. This…
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seats, seating, food, restaurant, opinion, twitter, funny twitter, eating out

People Reflect On The Seating That Reveals If A Restaurant’s Food Is Good Or Bad

Harsh, but true?
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Oh, You're Not a Seat

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Dude, I Can't Drive Right Now

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Troll in Training

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Created by anselmbe

The One That Laughs Last

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Created by anselmbe

He Took Your Sea... Ah-Ouch!

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Go Ahead And Take a Seat

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Via Monshiro

Gun Seat

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No Wonder My Chair is Uncomfortable

wtf art seats glass - 7943277056
Via Tumblr Open Arts

Meanwhile in Caracas

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Off The Wall Learning Experience

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Via Gakuran Rakuen

All Taken...

gifs seats public transportation struggles kramer seinfeld Subway - 7370073344
Created by ToolBee
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