

Promotional video of how a school district in Florida plans to handle the pandemic once kids go back to school

Florida School District's Reopening Plan Is Surreal AF

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Well, My Work Here Is Done

Funny meme that reads, "*Writes the first 3 words of an essay*" above a stock photo of a guy sleeping, with text that reads, "What an exhausting day"
Via LeoSenior
Funny random memes, funny tweets, funny tumblr posts, shitposting, funny comics, spongebob memes, relatable memes, introverts vs extroverts, coronavirus memes | spongebob in a strange position why does my back always hurt my sleeping position: stfu @AceSpur 10h Caption this | Shen Bird @Shen_the_Bird my mom: so guess robbers broke into our house, drew all over walls with crayons, but didn't steal anything five year old shit's wild know

Fifty-Five Memes Of Assorted Quality

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Damn I'm Old

Funny tweet that reads, "I forget how old I am, until my coworkers say things like 'can you read this for me? I don't know cursive'"
Via anlyin
Funny memes about being in school | teachers copy get siren system vs siren head cryptid | I am never doing group project again iMessage Today 5:57 PM Are free at all this weekend kind already seeing someone s nice still have 8 slides do Read 6:05 PM

Roundup Of School Memes Because We're All Doomed This Fall

Godspeed to the students.
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What Is This 'Happy' You Speak Of?

Funny tweet about a kid who tells his teacher that he wants to be happy when he grows up; teacher says to parents, "We need to talk about your son's unrealistic expectations"
Via SayGoodbyeToTHESE
Funny tweets from parents overhearing their kids on zoom calls | Todd Coleman @todd_coleman My daughter had Zoom class yesterday teacher's internet went out, so one kids made default host. He muted everyone, pretended teach class, and then just said "fart" over and over until teacher able join back amazing | Kelly Huh, Ph.D glaciergeek overheard zoom kids chat other day if all students can wear hamster balls at schools, then may be good return.

19 Tweets That Prove Kids On Zoom Are Hilarious

We're all trying to make the best of this.
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Funny Twitter thread about nostalgic things from elementary school | melina melmadara smelled SO bad and were probably washed once year | bringing back weird memories elementary school running finger between tiles on a wall |

Twitter Thread About Elementary School Brings Back Memories

Those were the days.
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Funny memes, academic memes, theory memes | clueless Kant lived life celibacy and died before cars were invented e virgin who can't drive. | class Can stay discussion with second Let's go deeper on this Building on this point Let know if getting if other way around reminds want X's point unpack bullets

Academic Memes Full Of Scholarly Humor

For the smarties.
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*Zoom Edition*

Funny meme about wanting to get good grades in school but getting distracted by everything | Me: ima get these grades & get my education *me watching the lights flicker in class
Via MissaBean


Funny meme about Shrek, dumb memes, teachers, school memes | the teacher's copy what they give you
Via u/EpicGuy3350
Funny dank memes entitled, 'Kid Named X' | Fire alarm goes off Teacher: Stay calm! Kid named calm: guess l'll die | mike wazowski monsters inc. teacher saying eat quietly kid named quietly

'Kid Named X' Memes Prove That Meme Stupidity Knows No Bounds

This meme is basically the ultimate dad joke.
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Twitter thread from university professor about what students are going through with covid-19, coronavirus | Jennifer J. Carroll, PhD MPH (she/her veruka2 1/ am university professor teach undergraduates who have been isolated at home and taking classes "remotely 3 weeks. Here are some things have happened during time | 10/ reached out student who had been logging into our course site but hadn't turned any work 3 weeks ask she's doing. She is an EMT-B and champ our class naloxone training last

Twitter Thread: University Professor Shares Stories Of Students Affected By Covid-19

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Funny tweets about homeschooling while being quarantined | Lurkin' Mom @LurkAtHomeMom Quarantine Day One: This could be fun always wondered would be like homeschool! Quarantine Day One [at breakfast SO HELP GOD, MOVE FOOT AWAY BROTHER'S CEREAL BOWL OR WILL FIND SCHOOL THIS COUNTRY IS OPEN AND DRIVE US THERE TODAY 2:11 pm 16 Mar 2020 Twitter iPhone 68 Retweets 381 Likes

Roundup Of Tweets About Quarantine Homeschooling From Tired Parents

Parents, you got this.
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And Those Damn Cellphones

Funny meme featuring Eric Andre shooting Hannibal Buress | students schools giving kids an overwhelming amount of work and telling them they will fail if they don't complete it all in a day why would video games do this?
Via taylormeme

Kill Me Please

Funny meme that reads, "When you start your first online class after your school shuts down" above images of several meme characters looking at the computer screen below a teacher at a blackboard
Via Funn2