
satisfying quitting story

Happy Hour Memes For a Sunny Day That Will Make You Want to Quit Your Job

Happy Hour Memes For a Sunny Day That Will Make You Want to Quit Your Job

You go to m eetings to make m oney to buy m argaritas—it's the 3 Ms of summertime chaos.
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Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Flip Off Your Boss

Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Give Your Boss the Bird

You can't actually give your manager the bird, but you can do it through secret code (aka memes).
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20+ Works Memes for Employees Yearning to Say 'I Quit'

20+ Work Memes for Employees Yearning to Say 'I Quit'

Why put in your two weeks when you can just send a list of memes that say you're quitting?
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reddit, askreddit, reddit story, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stores, quitting, satisfying quitting story, quitting story, toxic boss, bosses

'There's no price worth putting up with that': The insane work stories that made people quit on the spot

That's it, I've had it!
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