

Satan, not to be mistaken with the lovely fabric. The big guy downstairs used to scare people to walk the straight and narrow for nearly 2000 years. It's about time you find a reason to laugh at him, even just a bit. What do you have to fear, Purgatory? Possibly.

news, broadcast, tv news, abc, satan, religion, mistake, weird, twitter

Viewers Perplexed After News Broadcast Cuts To Satanic Ritual

Many of us associate TV news with a high level of seriousness and professionalism (depending on what channel you’re watching). However, as a live broadcast it is definitely not immune to gaffes, and not just when it comes to getting ahead of the autocue. Australia’s ABC News recently experienced such a mistake, when footage from a Satanic ritual — complete with a pentagram and upside down cross — was accidentally cut in with a news report about a new law being passed. The “satanic slip-up” was …
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Funny meme about going to hell for stepping on your dog's paw, lol, dank memes, satan, the devil
Via u/mijuzz7

Fear Me

Funny meme about doing things people hate, satan, biting ice cream, swallowing pill without water, child holding fire
Via u/HogriderGaming1
Funny memes about metal music | Ds Stac Dorit Women's hairstyling channels KNBLE Metalhead guys looking tips taking care their long hair | Amazing. Due lack pollution covid-19 lockdowns, wild Black Metal bands have returned Scandinavia's forests first time since 90s. Beautiful.

Sixteen Metal Memes For Brutal Satan-Worshippers

F*ckin' brutal
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Funny dank memes from 'Tenacious D' entitled, "Well, I Just Wanna Say That I'm A Huge Fan" Jack Black and Satan | J.Hays #BlackLivesMatter @haysjr9 Walmart parking lot watching woman who can't remember where she parked. Every time she holds her remote air honk my horn. 1:24 PM 23 Jun 20 Twitter Android Well just wanna say huge fan. | kid who used remind teacher homework arrives hell* Satan: Well just wanna say huge fan.

Satanic 'Tenacious D' Memes Depicting Satan As A 'Huge Fan' Of Jack Black

A brand new dank meme for y'all.
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See You In Hell

Funny dank meme about people who survived 2020 going to Hell and thinking it looks familiar | Avengers Satan Must be strange for you, all of this... People who survived 2020 Well, this is actually kind familiar
Via Divdude
Funny sank memes entitled, "Thanks, Satan" from the Disney movie 'Wreck It Ralph' | Homeboy is dressed up as Grim Reaper going around telling people breaking quarantine rules go home. Thanks, Satan. | Furries Raise Over $17,000 Australian Bushfire Relief ame at lime Thanks, Satan,

Sixteen Memes That Thank Satan For Ironic Good Deeds

Dank memes from the Disney movie Wreck-It Ralph!
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Funny memes about metal | Perry the Platypus Black Metal Death Metal Ferb! This one's looking at both us at same time DUMBMETALMEMES Behemoth | black metal fans see yourself actually look solytherin

Fifteen Metal Memes For Those Who Like Things As Brutal As Possible

Hail Satan.
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Funny memes about metal music | play death metal listen everything" friends | "omg, Billie Eilish put spider her mouth, she must be insane" Ozzy Osborne: Pathetic.

Metal Memes For The Satanically Inclined

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metal memes about the band ghost and kendall jenner wearing a slayer shirt | nice see celebrities supporting each other Slayer Kill Kardashians Kendall Jenner | batmobile and the scooby gang van MYSA AVAGHINE Ghost Sounds Ghost is Advertised

16 Metal Memes That Are Brutal Enough For Satan

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satanic memes , dark humor | Animal - Satan: So are hell Because my memes Satan: Can't go hell because memes Here, look at them Satan: IG@pauliewalnutsmeme | Wow had no idea Satan so knowledgeable and generous with his time don't teach child obey Jesus devil will teach them evolution, sexuality, psychology, witchcraft If

15 Satanic Memes That'll Summon Hellfire Upon Us

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Sound Logic

Funny meme about jesus dying for our sins.
Via catalyctic

Sorry Natashas

Tweet that reads, "Can't trust any girl named Natasha because Natasha spelt backwards is 'Ah, Satan'"
Via FoxInZox


Parody of the game Connect Four called "Connect with the F*cking Devil" with pic of two kids playing with the Connect Four apparatus that has a pentagram on it
Via JackStabber
Funny comics about being in hell, the devil, demons, satan, beelzebub, hades, god of death.

26 Devilishly Funny Comics About Being In Hell

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music memes metal hardcore satanic hell satan funny memes normies metal memes brutal donald trump dave mustaine slayer Vladimir Putin - 6967301

15 Metal Memes That Are Far Too Brutal For This Mortal World

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