

Wall-E as a Human

dancing gifs human Image robots sad but true wall.e win - 6307420416

Roomba + Lawnmower = LawnBott?

gifs Image lawnmower robots roomba science - 6099631104

Robots Can Climb Pants Now

gifs Image it's all over pants robots science skynet - 6241557760

Robot Jellyfish

cool gifs Image jellyfish robots science - 6213440000
Created by _C_A_T_

Robot Flyer Perches on a Hand

cool gifs Image robots science - 6206164224

Watch This, Because I'm Hungry...

college humor Memes pizza robots - 6216901376
Via College Humor

No Following

animation gifs Image robots sad but true - 6182945280
Created by muppetpuppet

In a Nutshell

black ops II call of duty future meme robots - 6190032384
Created by AnalogPh33r

Optimus Prime at Universal Studios

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Robot Getting Ripped

Funny gif of a robot doing push ups on the floor.

Robot Approaching Stairs

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Robot Skater

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Robotic Sushi Chef

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Follow Bots

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Dachshund Vs. Penguin

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Robotic Barber

fashion gifs Image robots science skynet yikes - 6009071360