

Funny memes that mock Joe Biden's presidential campaign called '"I'm on Team Joe" | ON TEAM JOE GOT HAIRY LEGS kids used rub my leg BIDEN PRESIDENT Text JOE 30330 Create own at Biden L Data Rates Hay ApTet HELP forInfo. Teat STOP opt eut No purchase necessary

Joe Biden Gets Trolled With His Cringey 'I'm On Team Joe' Campaign

Poor ol' Joe.
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Funny anti-peta memes, eric andre, steve irwin, funny memes, peta, peta memes | eraser REALLY BIG MISTAKES PETA REALLY BIG MISTAKES | eric andre shooting hannibal Person - PETA Animals "Animals are entitled be left alone"

17 Scathing Anti-PETA Memes For Anyone In The Resistance

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Funny and clever comebacks and insults on Twitter and Reddit | pic of hands tied together to a phone with earphones cord tweet by pepe @Finallypepe But y'all not ready this conversation Soph @sophieesol Got AirPods sorry | father has cheated on every one his wives including mother. Eric Trump O @EricTrump truly hate disloyal people 4:35 .m 17 Aug 18 42.5K Retweets 197K Likes

Excellent Comebacks That Deserve Some Recognition

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Man with rare form of cancer asks r/roastme to roast him, redditors show him kindness and support instead, wholesome, wholesome comments | Fighting rare stage four cancer called leomyosarcoma. Make feel worse | blizzardwizard88 thought fighters were better shape | campanaconqueso First roast cancer Then roast | HoneyRosa only pussy on photo is cat because cancer fighters are superheroes

Man Battling Cancer Asks To Be Roasted, Reddit Responds With Wholesomeness

Even r/roastme has a heart.
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Memes that roast the democratic presidential debates in Nevada last night | greta thunberg watching donald trump from behind: KLOBUCHAR FORGETTING MEXICAN PRESIDENT ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR'S NAME VANESSA HUAC TELEMUNDO | mike bloomberg: finally get hang out with popular kids but all they do is make fun Sad potato noises

Roundup Of Democratic Debate Memes That Roast Last Night's Total Freak Show

Things got *spicy*
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Funny roasts of people guessing where they work, based on what they look like | Looks like getting thick and tired his broken promithes promithes Dill Pickles does look like do living? kaiyghtlyhnne does look like do living Pls be honest this hair an accident and 's giving off very specific vibes Sell merch Waterparks

Roasts Of People For Where They Look Like They Work (14 Roasts)

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Twitter, memes, president Donald Trump photograph face spray fake tan orange circle unblended bronzer makeup | Can somebody get President United States beauty blender half peeled orange

Trump Gets Roasted And Meme'd For His Orange Tan Line

Trump called fake news on this photo.
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Funny roasts from wendy's trying to roast mcdonald's in an attempt to promote their new breakfast menu | Wendy's @Wendys Hey @McDonalds, roast us. bear-ly func @BearCherian Replying Can't find roast setting on their microwave UNO @realUNOgame UNO Replying could never SKIP this. Wendy's @Wendys Draw 4 4

Wendy's Roasts McDonald's To Announce Their New Breakfast Menu

We like their style.
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Funny Twitter memes entitled, "Follow Me for More Recipes" | Prettygetz Getrudes @PrettygetzG Follow more recipe hot dog sliced and covered in ketchup. Sudipto @tastemythunder Follow more recipes peeled banana on a plate bare minimum food funny kitchen no talent for cooking basic simple

Twitter Users Roast Their Own Cooking 'Skills' With This Culinary Meme

We can't all be Gordon Ramsays.
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funny twitter thread where david leavitt gets roasted for calling the cops after manager tori perotti refuses to sell him an electric toothbrush for one cent | tweet by David_Leavitt just had call police because target Refused sell toothbrush did not call 911 called business number police and told them not an emergency and they could take their time and explained situation. police verified

Greedy 'Journalist' Slammed For Going Full Karen On Target Manager

All for a toothbrush.
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Funny Twitter memes entitled "The Cooking, The Face" where people put up a picture of something they've cooked next to a picture of their face | chuuslip cooking face (saw this on tl and thought cute dhdkdhdkdk) photo of a shirtless guy and photo of a pan with some dish being cooked

'The Cooking, The Face' Memes Roast Amateur, Overconfident Chefs

People on Twitter just love attention, don't they?
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Funny facebook posts, criminals, richland wa police department | Anthony Akers is posted about by Richmond WA Police dept and then has comment section chat with them, eventually turning himself into the police

Dude Responds To His Own 'Wanted' Post On Facebook, Hilarity Ensues

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Funny tweets about absurd insults one could use

Nonsensical Insults To Confuse The Heck Outta Your Worst Enemies

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r/roasted on Reddit.

Poor Souls Who Got Brutally Roasted To A Crisp (20 Roasts)

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Funny dank memes that roast Billie Eilish's "sad" music

Nineteen Memes That Roast Billie Eilish's 'Sad' Music

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Funny memes and tweets that mock Kanye West's new song "Closed on Sunday"

Kanye's Cringey Chick-Fil-A Lyric Gets Mocked Like Heck

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