
retail workers

Funny memes about Mariah Carey All I want for christmas

'So it begins': Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas is You' is back, and so are the memes

Every year, without fail, it happens. Sometimes it's after Halloween , but the phenomenon follows Thanksgiving more predictably. We're not talking about Black Friday or Cyber Monday and we're not talking about the weight we gain from Halloween candy or our Thanksgiving feasts and leftovers. We're talking about the sudden burst of radio and streaming air time devoted to Mariah Carey's “All I Want For Christmas is You.”
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secret shoppers, anti work, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, employee evaluation, retail workers, retail hell, customer service

Secret Shoppers & Retail Workers Reveal the Infuriating Truth About Covert Employee Evaluations

If retail work wasn't hellish enough, it turns out that even providing good customer service can get you reprimanded by the bosses . One troubled redditor recently shared their experience working as a mystery shopper to r/antiwork , which spurred a lively thread of many other stories from former mystery shoppers and retail workers. The thread reveals that the mystery shopping strategy is much more about snitching on employees for failing to properly scam customers than it is about ensuring qual…
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customer service, retail, retail hell, retail workers, yikes, cringe, customers, stupid people, facepalm, reddit, karen, jobs, holidays, black friday | 10k Damages Over 10 Cent Overcharge Medium This happened few years ago working at large upscale beauty supply Wigs/ Weaves/etc Our register bit old fashioned so had punch some items by hand. Usually not big deal, but definitely left some room human error. One day woman came and my coworker pressed wrong button and overcharged her by 10cents

Retail Warriors Share Seriously Nightmarish Customer Stories

Remember to be kind to workers
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Funny tweets about horrible retail customers, customer demands, working in customer service, customer service workers, yikes, funny tweets, retail work | Scott WamplerT O @ScottWamplerBMD At very first serving job ever had woman ordered Diet Coke with one ice cube an inch on each side and laughed, thinking she joking, she just stared at waiting. Pigeon Fancier @isabelzawtun most ridiculous demand customer has made go first working retail woman once demanded pick her up her Botox

20 Retail Workers Share Their Most Ludicrous Customer Requests

Angels. They're all angels.
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Twitter thread from frustrated grocery store manager about how people are scubags, covid-19 shopping, coronavirus, hoarding toilet paper | dan @dadopotamus manage grocery store gotta say all giant scumbags. 5:51 PM 3/14/20 Twitter iPhone | Mama Wife Concierge @TwoLs60 Replying dadopotamus and @1loriking My daughter works one and is appalled by people screaming at them lines empty shelves. Many co-workers reduced tears over last couple days. Management is now monitoring cash registers calling

Frustrated Manager's Twitter Thread Reveals How COVID-19 Brings Out The Worst In Customers

These people deserve our respect.
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