

funny retail memes

Retail Memes For Anyone Who Has To Deal With Aggravating Customers

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Aw Yiss

Caption that reads, "When you're five years old and your parents take you to a fancy restaurant and the waiter asks what you want" above a pic of a kid dabbing on some chicken strips
Via UrBoiNoNo

Yo Habla Bueno Espanol!!

Caption that reads, "45-year-old white ladies in Mexican restaurants after saying 'gracias' to the waiter" above a pic of a middle-aged white woman looking pleased with herself
Via yoboithememegod


Owner of a Thai restaurant posts on Facebook "F*ck yeah we open" during an ice storm
Via fuel126

Love My Job!

Caption that reads, "When work has made you dead inside but you still need to act positive because you have bills to pay" above a pic of Spongebob and Squidward looking like skeletons while working at The Krusty Krab
Via caffeineanddeadlifts

What The Frick Are You Looking At

Caption that reads, "That feeling when you go out for a quiet meal and some f*cker at the next table starts painting you" above a painting of three people eating at a table and looking over in a judgmental manner
Via facelesshrs

Time To Fight To The Death

Caption that reads, "When it's a slow night so your manager says one of the kitchen staff can go home early" above pics of four guys battling to be let home early
Via LittleCeasersSquaredsaysPizzaPizzaPizzaPizza

"It Didn't Scan So It Must Be Free, Right?"

Caption that reads, "When the customer makes a stupid joke but you need the job so you give your best fake smile" above a pic of a cat with a big fake smile
Via DiamondFellInLava

Put That Thing Away

Caption that reads, "How it feels to eat with someone who's always on their phone" above a pic of a guy at a restaurant sitting alone in a corner
Via Boziffer

Fair Point

Tweet that reads, "Why test on animals when there are people who are rude to waiters"
Via johnsaysthings


Tweet that reads, "What y'all mad about today?" someone comments "It costs money to get things added on your food but they don't subtract when you take things off"
Via BigFuckingRocket

Strategy Is Important

Via Stability

Don't Underestimate Me

Text that reads, "I love the look waiters give me like 'she won't eat all this.' HAHA stand back and watch me Paul"
Via aoui

Blame The Parents

Funny meme about kids in restaurants on ipads.
Via distinguishedbaloney

He Attac

Caption that reads, "I feel like this crab is threatening me" above a seafood advertisement with a pic of a crab and a text blurb that reads, "Get out of London"
Via NotDan1138

The Choice Is Pretty Clear

Meme that involves three doors representing three choices: 1.) "Restart life; 2.) $5 billion; or 3.) Tell customers they're idiots without getting in trouble" - guy kicks down the third door
Via DMCorperate