relationship advice

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Woman sublets her room but insists on sleeping on shared couch 2x per week, doesn't run it by roommate: 'What does the landlord think of all this?'

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama coworkers terrible coworkers coworker workplace workplace-stories

'You are not his boss or his mother': Coworker calls out peer for looking unkempt and messy at a meeting, others call him out for being 'out of line'

 Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita boyfriend boyfriends toxic-boyfriend soda gym

22-year-old boyfriend yells at girlfriend for filling her gym bottle with Dr. Pepper after he accidentally takes a sip: 'He behaved like a 2 year old'

boyfriend, relationship advice, relationship drama, reddit story, relationships, girlfriend, reddit thread, Reddit, toxic relationship, dating, groceries, video games, theft, money

21-year-old boyfriend 'accidentally' spends his 19-year-old girlfriend's $50 on a video game, claims it was an honest mistake when she calls him out: 'He said I was making a big deal over nothing'

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama restaurant splitting the bill money money problems

22-year-old man orders $85 lobster at dinner with friends, insist they split the bill evenly despite their entrees costing $20: 'This isn't his first time mooching'

 Marriage marriage-drama healthy marriage Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita

Husband demands wife pay $8000 in rent and utilities for a house he kicked her out of, claims it’s only his: 'This man takes financial advantage of you'

 Marriage marriage-drama healthy marriage Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita pregnant pregnancy pregnancy craving steak

Pregnant wife eats steak and potatoes in front of husband every night while serving him catfish, husband calls her out: 'A selfish woman using pregnancy as an excuse to be selfish'

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama peer pressure car ride boyfriend

22-year-old girl forces friend to sit on guy friend's lap for 1.5 hour drive, gets mad when she Ubers home: 'Sarah tried to argue, but my ride showed up, so I left'

 Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita boyfriend name names prejudice in laws

Boyfriend's mom refuses to call son's partner by his given gender-neutral name, partner snaps at her and calls her bigoted: 'I am half Asian [...] it's a unisex name that isn't short for anything'

 Marriage marriage-drama healthy marriage Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita brother siblings roommates

26-year-old man shares house with fiancée and brother, tells fiancée to move out when she calls out his brother's mess: 'You are aiming for a wedding cancelation'

 Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita Wedding Themes bride wedding party mean wedding brides weddings family drama Marriage family bachelorette party bachelorette crochet

Woman spends entire bachelorette trip crocheting instead of joining bridal activities, demands apology from bride for asking her to limit crochet time: 'We gave her the option to stay home'

 Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita money student loans loan money problems

'I want to spoil her': Well-off boyfriend secretly pays off girlfriend's student loans, she chews him out for going behind her back

 Marriage marriage-drama healthy marriage Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita restaurant money sticker shock

Husband insists taking wife to expensive restaurant despite her protest, gives her silent treatment when she balks at $300 bill in front of server: 'Why is your husband so fragile'

 Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita parents mother in law boyfriend shoes off

Boyfriend's mom loses it and cries over son's girlfriend's 'shoes off rule,' enlists her husband to retaliate: '[She] spends the whole visit sulking'

 Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita money girlfriend boyfriend

Man lends fiancé $1000, she breaks up with him during a 5 minute video call: 'You're perfectly entitled to ask for it back'

 Relationships Relationship relationship advice healthy relationship relationship status long term relationship relationship-drama story reddit story Reddit reddit thread aita dating cheating jokes

Girlfriend makes a 'joke' about cheating on boyfriend at dinner, boyfriend leaves the date: 'She is already cheating, no one tests about that'

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