
reddit story

long term relationship, relationship, marriage, toxic husband, wife, reddit story, marriage drama, relationships, husband, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, logic, relationship drama

Highly logical wife tells husband she married him because he asked her and she trusts his judgement, sends him on a spiral: 'She says love and marriage are not the same things'

That's a better reason than most
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antiwork, work, workplace, workplace stories, coworkers, toxic workplace, boss, bosses, toxic boss, bad bosses, job, working, toxic work environment, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

Controlling micromanager threatens to write up employee for putting down her purse after she clocks in: 'This literally takes 2 seconds'

Nobody likes a micromanager
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family drama, gifts, baby, presents, mother, shower, parenting, entitled, sister, baby shower, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS, reddit story, Reddit

Entitled mom of 5 hosts a baby shower for her 6th baby, insists that her childless sister in her 20s should get her an expensive gift: 'If I gave her a gift for the first, I should for all of them'

What else could she possibly need?
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 Relationships relationship memes Relationship Dating-Relationships relationship advice dating We Are Dating dating apps dating fails money take my money money problems gold digger parenting advice reddit reddit thread reddit story

Dishonest woman consistently asks situationship for $400 or more, expects him to pay up without question: 'She's scamming you'

Love, or infatuation, can sometimes shield us from reality.
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School uses social media to inform students school day is canceled, uninformed student ends up waiting 40 minutes for the bus: ‘Can't even be bothered to send a text’

School uses social media to inform students school day is canceled, uninformed student ends up waiting 40 minutes for the bus: ‘Can't even be bothered to send a text’

It is a kid's biggest wish to wake up in the morning and find out that school is canceled, there is nothing that compares to that joy. You get to sleep in, watch TV, and do absolutely nothing without any repercussions. So I am sure you can all imagine how annoying it can be to that one kid who didn't get the message that school is canceled, to get out of bed, get dressed, and endlessly wait for a school bus that is never going to come. That is exactly what happened to the kid in this Reddit sto…
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 antiwork work workplace workplace-stories coworkers toxic-workplace Boss bosses toxic-boss bad bosses job working toxic-work-environment Reddit reddit thread reddit story PTO vacation honeymoon

'It's the only time I can see my family': Newlywed asks coworker to give up his 2-week vacation he planned 1 year in advance so she can go on her honeymoon, balks when he says no

Not my PTO
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 antiwork work workplace workplace-stories coworkers toxic-workplace Boss bosses toxic-boss bad bosses job working toxic-work-environment Reddit reddit thread reddit story hair long hair

'Do what we say without question': Backwards workplace refuses to hire long-haired man despite the job being at a call center

It isn't the 1960s anymore, nobody is scandalized by men having long hair
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happy meal, family drama, obese, kids, overweight, McDonald's, unhealthy, grandma, reddit story, dad, health, family, food, reddit thread, Reddit, junk food, fast food

400 lb grandma buys her grandkids fast food for the 3rd time in a week, health-conscious dad throws away the meals in anger: 'I’m not having her bring this lifestyle into my home around my children'

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 food junk food food service Baking baked goods eating losing weight Weight loss work workplace coworkers coworker terrible coworkers antiwork work stories dispute hr Reddit reddit story reddit thread

Food pusher continually offers sweets to coworkers despite being constantly refused, doesn't take no for an answer: 'She just keeps pushing and pushing and it gets really triggering'

Nobody likes a pusher
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twitter, food prep, wife, reddit story, married life, relationships, marriage, husband, divorce, food, reddit thread, Reddit, married, twitter discourse, surgery, unhealthy

Gluttonous husband eats all the special food his wife meal-prepped for herself for after her stomach surgery, blames it on their son: 'I'm seriously considering divorce. My son and I are already doing everything on our own'

He sounds like a real winner
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 antiwork work workplace workplace-stories coworkers toxic-workplace Boss bosses toxic-boss bad bosses job working toxic-work-environment Reddit reddit thread reddit story tipping customer service service industry food service

Employee is fired for giving $5 tip to its rightful recipient, exposing deceitful manager's tip-stealing scheme: 'My whole heart just sank'

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child, Larp, mother, bad parenting, bad parents, parenting, ground, live action roleplay, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, children, Parenting FAILS, grounded, Reddit, reddit story

Mom grounds her 25-year-old kid for wanting to go to a LARPing event that costs over $100: 'They owe us $350 in back rent due to us not charging them rent when they weren't working'

Are you a landlord or a parent?
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Finding Community In Meaninglessness: How the mystery of 'Celebrity Number Six' captured the minds of the internet

The long-running mystery of whose face was printed on a piece of fabric in 2008 has been solved. But to the untrained eye, it’s difficult to understand why anyone would care, let alone over 60,000 people on a subreddit. But this seemingly trivial microtrend is a case study of why the internet rewards just that: triviality. To catch you up, back in 2020, a Reddit user circulated a picture of a piece of fabric printed with the faces of early 2000s celebrities (Adriana Lima, Josh Holloway, and Ian…
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weight loss, terrible coworkers, workplace stories, weight, weight gain, overweight, work, coworkers, friends, reddit story, friend, reddit thread, Reddit, coworker, in the workplace

Cruel lady asks coworker if she's gained weight after she lost 70 pounds, gets offended when she calls that comment snarky: 'I'm sorry if your fishing for compliments strategy didn't work on me'

How was she fishing for compliments?
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 sister sisters little sister Siblings sibling rivalry sibling family family drama lifestyle motherhood child free childless Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita Drama Story self care

Overstepping woman requests to use sister's peaceful home for a 'wellness retreat with friends' despite being constantly critical of her minimalist lifestyle: 'Her request comes with an underlying judgment'

Don't knock what you... secretly want
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hair, peer pressure, therapist, therapists, teenager, teenage, teenagers, pressure, haircut, haircuts, teacher, reddit thread, Reddit, Terrible Teacher, reddit story

16-year-old's teachers and therapist pressure her to cut her beautiful long hair for wigs for kids with cancer, tell her she's obliged to do it: 'The poor kids don't have the chance to choose, you have'

They have no right to tell her what to do with her hair
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