
reddit story

Father Compares Mother to Newest Flavor of the Month, Daughter Cuts off Communication With Father

Father Compares Mother to Newest Flavor of the Month, Daughter Cuts off Communication With Father

Divorce is never easy, however, when kids are involved, that's an entirely different ball game. You don't just get to get a divorce and walk your separate ways, but you are forever tied together whether you like it or not. So, in my humble opinion, if that's the case, why not make it as pleasant as possible for all parties involved? The account that follows is the story of a daughter of divorced parents who feels she has reached the tipping point and can no longer maintain a relationship with h…
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Woman Teaches Roommate a Lesson After He Eats Her Food, Leaving Homecooked Meal Out Overnight

Woman Teaches Roommate a Lesson After He Eats Her Food, Leaving Homecooked Meal Out Overnight

I'll say it again for the benefit of those in the back: revenge is always best served cold. They ought to be completely taken aback by it and not notice anything unusual, and only then will you be able to genuinely experience the fulfilling sense of success and achievement. But what about unintentional retaliation—does it fit the bill? Are you still experiencing that amazing sense of fulfillment and contentment? The answer is unquestionably yes! The story that follows is the tale of an angry ro…
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Uncle Carries Out Wholesome Plan For Payback After Father Fails to Fulfil Parental Duties

Uncle Carries Out Wholesome Plan For Payback After Father Fails to Fulfil Parental Duties

As appropriate for the Christmas season, keep in mind the famous saying that says ‘It's not the gift, but the thought that counts’. This kind of thinking can save a great deal of grief and disappointment. But what happens if the giver is only considering the cost? Their only concerns are the appearance and reactions of others, but the gift itself can be anything as long as it is pricey. While browsing on the web, I encountered a story that piqued my interest. The story below is an account of a…
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, wedding, weddings, social media, photos, family drama, family, mother, liar, betrayal, mildly infuriating, no contact

'You gave her an inch and she took a mile': Inconsiderate mom betrays daughter's wishes and posts wedding photos on FB

Social media faux-pas
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ruby tuesday christmas family drama gifts presents present gift card gift reddit story christmas presents restaurant dad mildly infuriating restaurants family Reddit - 23740677

'Every year I get a $15-$25 gift card for a place I don't go or never visited': Cheap father gives adult son a Ruby Tuesday gift card despite the restaurant not existing in their city

Ruby Tuesday still exists?
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boss, horrible bosses, toxic boss, hr, human resources, time off, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, pto, vacation, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'Guess my last day is Friday!': Inconsiderate HR worker flagrantly denies time off request they previously approved

In a strange turn of events
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Woman Hides Cobbler-Pie From Her Roommates After They Take Her for Granted

Woman Hides Cobbler-Pie From Her Roommates After They Take Her for Granted

I moved out of my parent's house for the first time when I started university. When I arrived at the dorms, I made sure to clean every square inch of that filthy apartment since I had no idea how the previous tenants—a group of teenage boys—had managed to live in such a filthy space. When my roommates arrived, I introduced myself and apologized ahead of time since I'm not much of a chef and won't be able to help with the cooking. The story below involves a woman who aspires to get better in the…
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Karen Refuses to Tip Servers Despite Restaurant Continuously Complying With Her Demands

Karen Refuses to Tip Servers Despite Restaurant Continuously Complying With Her Demands

As a former server, I can attest to the fact that ninety-nine percent of customers are Karens. However, it's our positive outlook that keeps us sane. Though the evidence may seem to contradict our sense of optimism, we, for some reason, hold onto this notion that one day our table will greet us with a smile and leave us with a fat tip. The story below is an account of a frustrated waiter who has to deal with a table of Karens who won't pay the well-deserving servers. It's one thing when the tab…
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reddit, askreddit, reddit thread, reddit story, family, family drama, family memes, dna, dna test, paternity, ancestors, discourse, modern discourse, interesting, funny

'We're 5th cousins': The strange family secrets uncovered by DNA testing

The joys of 23 and Me
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, story, antiwork, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, work stories, wages, wage theft, family drama, family, boss

‘They cheated him out of $377’: Son quits job at father’s company after being conned out of wages

Not on my watch
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Couple Outsmart Neighbor by Refusing to Vacate Parking Space Until Further Notice

Couple Outsmart Neighbor by Refusing to Vacate Parking Space Until Further Notice

Many times in life we can engage in situations that can test our patience. We can have the purest of intentions, but when pushed past our limits, there is no stopping the fury and rage from running through our veins. So, when being tested, should we back down and surrender, or on the contrary, should we put on the fight of a lifetime? The story below is an account of a creative couple who made the decision to put on the fight of a lifetime. The couple refuses to give in to their outrageous neig…
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, am i the asshole, aita, modern discourse, family drama, family, family memes, sisters, drama, wedding, wedding dress, argument, career

'She accused me of ruining her wedding': Graphic designer refuses to pay for wedding dress after sister insults her career

Saying no to the dress
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Karen Takes It One Step Too Far When Bossing Coworkers Around

Karen Takes It One Step Too Far When Bossing Coworkers Around

Being in a professional setting requires one to interact with a variety of people. Some of which, we don't particularly like. That being said, it is important to remain composed at all times. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee who works at the hospital restaurant. It makes sense that the hungry customers would be the top priority. But today, we're going to address something bigger, and that's the subject of Sharon. Sharon is the gossip queen of the hospital. She wanders the…
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work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, recruiting, recruiter, antiwork, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, revenge, email, emials, job, job interview

'I'd like to rescind my application': Offensive recruiter loses prospective employee over insulting email

Email etiquette is real
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physics, university, tests, mistakes, college student problems, reddit story, test, reddit thread, Reddit, exam, final exams, college, college student, exams

University Testing Center Accidentally Throws Out Students Final Exams

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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, aita, am i the asshole, argument, marriage, marriage adviece, relationships, relationship memes, coffee, starbucks

'Now you know your husband is illiterate': Careless husband almost poisons wife with special holiday coffee

Home barista-ing gone wrong
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