
reddit story

‘Do you mind?’ Girl gets popcorn thrown at her face after refusing to put her phone down during movie at theater

‘Do you mind?’ Girl gets popcorn thrown at her face after refusing to put her phone down during movie at theater

Lesson learned
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management, sick days, antiwork, toxic manager, employee, manager, sick day, work, toxic management, reddit story, horrible management, employees, managers, Reddit

Management takes away employee's sick day if they're 1 minute late for 4 shifts; 'Is this legal?'

Why is this so incomprehensible?
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food, spicy, spicy food, spicy couples, family drama, husband, wife, food delivery, argument, arguments, hangry, hungry, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit

Spice-phobic husband complains family doesn't accommodate his palate: 'He's a big boy and shouldn't be acting like that'

If you can't take the heat
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, antiwork, work, workplace, work stories, recruiter, job search, job application, job hunt, application, recruiting, toxic workplace

'Why did you send me this resume?': Job recruiter gaslights airline wiring applicant into thinking they're unqualified

Isn't that a recruiter's whole job?
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Babies, baby, baby names, parenting, dad, bad name, names, parent, naming, nicknames, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, nickname, Parenting FAILS, bad parenting, reddit story

Godmother criticizes mother for naming her daughter Ghiuliyette: 'Why ruin such a beautiful name by including letters that don’t belong there?'

Romeo and Ghoul-liette
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credit cards, scammer, credit card, email, scammers, emails, scams, scam, rental, car, cars, reddit story, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, money

Scammer steals credit card information to rent car, emails card owner and asks why he canceled the rental: 'Sorry to use the details hee hee'

"Hee hee"
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, funny, funny reddit, story, marriage, healthy marriage, moving, moving day, moving out, couples, relationships, board games

'I'm marrying a monster': Fiancé is baffled by girlfriend's unorthodox moving hack

I don't think that's what they meant by life hack
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management, shift, antiwork, toxic manager, manager, work, toxic management, reddit story, horrible management, managers, reddit thread, Reddit, money, terrible management

'Add another zero': Manager offers ex-employee $50 to work a shift, claims to be desperate for staff

Only $50 desperate?
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, am i the asshole, aita, babysitter, aunt, family drama, cake, birthday, birthday cake, childcare, discourse, babysitting, teenagers

'Your sis had the golden goose of babysitters': Stingy aunt charges teenage babysitter £20 for eating leftover cake

Let her eat cake
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askreddit, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit, money, rich, rich people, millionaire, billionaire, shopping, lottery, interesting, regular people, spending money

'Tailored bespoke clothing': Regular folks share the ‘rich person things’ they’d adopt if they made it big

If I were a rich man
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family drama, mother, reddit story, daughters, cheating, dad, fatherdaughter, suspicious, motherdaughter, family, reddit thread, daughter, Reddit, mom, store, Father

'That's not wandering off, that's sneaking away': Mom abandons 13-year-old daughter at store for 2 hours, claims she accidentally put her phone on Do Not Disturb

Highly suspicious
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work, workplace, antiwork, work stories, toxic workplace, bartender, bartending, service industry, food service, recruiter, recruiting, job search, job application, reddit story, reddit thread

'I just roll my eyes and mark whatever answers make me look good': Bartending job requires insane logic test in online application

Since when are job apps a puzzle?
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reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, petty revenge reddit, am i the asshole, aita, boyfriend, shower, showering, gym, toxic relationship, toxic, petty revenge, drama, relationship drama

'You will go bankrupt paying the water bill': Water-wasting boyfriend showers for 2 hours, loses girlfriend in the process

That's a costly shower
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family drama, anniversary, bride, marriage, Crazy Brides, car accidents, reddit, car accident, wedding, family, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, weddings

Careless Bride Schedules Wedding on Anniversary of Tragic Family Car Accident, Can’t Understand Why Her Family Declined To Attend

What did she expect?
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parenting, parents, parenting fail, parenting fails, mom, moms, mommy, children, raising kids, raising, kids, babysitting, family, family drama, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'It takes a village, but we don't forcibly draft the villagers': Entitled mom accuses family of raising her baby recklessly

That's not what that phrase implies...
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reddit stories, salary, workplace stories, bonus, work, working, paying, reddit story, pay, workplace, paycheck, reddit thread, payment, Reddit, money, work stories

Worker making $15 an hour gets doubly overpaid, earning $30 per hour: 'What would you guys do?'

Would you come clean?
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