

recruiter, antiwork, jobs, work stories, part time, job, work story, bad jobs, work, polygraph, job applications, recruiting, lie detector test, recruitment, application, job application

Job application requires a polygraph test for $24K per year position where employees work 9 months on and 3 months off: 'They don't even pretend to care about employee well-being'

So ridiculous
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recruiter, twitter, workplace stories, work, insulting, interviews, recruiting, tweets, human resources, recruitment, insults, insult, Tech, tweet, job interview, interview

'You're an idiot...It's no wonder you did not finish college': Recruiter berates interviewee for not showing up to interview he scheduled incorrectly

Cruel and unusual
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salary, engineers, recruiter, antiwork, jobs, job, email, lies, work, engineering, emails, recruiting, recruitment, Reddit, interview, money, engineer

Duplicitous recruiter changes salary from $4-5K to $3K per month before final interview round: 'This is [for] a Senior Engineer position'

They're cheapskates
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salary, recruiter, antiwork, jobs, job, work, working, job applications, recruiting, human resources, recruitment, reddit thread, Reddit, job interview, money, job application

Recruiter rejects candidate because they want to make at least £25K per year: 'It's not something I can guarantee at this stage'

aka $31K
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twitter, reddit, company, recruitment, employee, manager, boss, recruiter, fake, scam, fake, employer

Suspicious Company Gets Exposed for Hiring Fake Recruiter to Catch Out Current Employees

"I 'passed the test'"
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twitter, social media, mistake, job, job interview, boss, manager, uh oh, twitter thread

Recruiter Finds Job Applicant's Twitter Account, Sparking Mixed Reactions

Uh oh
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work, raise, pay, employee, coworkers, manager, recruitment, fail, antiwork, salary

Worker Refused Full Pay Raise, Entire Department Finds Better Paid Jobs Elsewhere

Talk about a staffing crisis
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Funny tweets about recruiters failing, bad recruiters, careless, cringe, fail, work, twitter

Embarrassingly Inept Recruiter Inspires Fail-Filled Twitter Thread

Recruiters probably help to match a lot of skilled people with quality vacancies. But they can be incredibly annoying and sometimes even straight up careless. They cold message you on LinkedIn , promising opportunities, pretending as though they're sending a genuine message rather than just filling in the blanks of a generic template. That kind of behavior has become expected – I don't even bother opening correspondence from people with a corporate headshot. We recently covered a man whose recr…
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controversy, linkedin, employee, recruitment, money, hiring, salary, raise, twitter

Recruiter Faces Backlash For Lowballing Unsuspecting Job Candidate

Bad hiring practice 101
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Twitter thread about how HR departments choose who to interview for jobs | TheWrongNoel friend mine has been trying hire new employee her department medium-sized org. After advertising several times with few applicants, and couple rounds interviews new employee is less than great. Then she discovered there were other applicants..

Twitter Thread Details All The BS That Goes On In HR Departments

Spoiler alert: they seem kind of useless.
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Darth Vader Knows How to Get the Ladies

recruitment dark side darth vader - 3074053632
Created by jasonmichaelgray


dentist doing it right hilarious Image recruitment Sexy Ladies - 6072680960
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