

Reddit thread about a crazy recruiter harassing an applicant for requesting interview at "noon"

Ridiculous Recruiter Harasses Applicant For Requesting Interview at 'Noon'

It's very easy to tell when a job recruiter is scamming you. Typically, they'll use extremely unprofessional language right off the bat. Either that or they will be extremely unspecific about anything. No great job has come from a recruiter messaging you on LinkedIn “Hello. When can you interview.”
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Reddit story about a rude recruiter trying to schedule job interview during Christmastime

Rude Recruiter Tries To Schedule Job Interview During Christmastime

If there is one thing workers must be, it's protective of their time. If you're not, people will surely take advantage of it. Unfortunately, everybody is on different pages regarding what is normal to ask of someone. Is it normal for somebody to arrive to work an hour early and leave an hour late? Is it normal to only work during allotted hours and make no exceptions? What about being available at all times? Nobody knows! It's a weird game of 3D Chess that none of us are winning. This time of t…
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Funny tweets about recruiters failing, bad recruiters, careless, cringe, fail, work, twitter

Embarrassingly Inept Recruiter Inspires Fail-Filled Twitter Thread

Recruiters probably help to match a lot of skilled people with quality vacancies. But they can be incredibly annoying and sometimes even straight up careless. They cold message you on LinkedIn , promising opportunities, pretending as though they're sending a genuine message rather than just filling in the blanks of a generic template. That kind of behavior has become expected – I don't even bother opening correspondence from people with a corporate headshot. We recently covered a man whose recr…
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Funny twitter thread, recruiter arranges interview with company who fired twitter user, he live tweets the whole thing

Recruiter Schedules Interview With Employer Who Fired Him, Live-Tweeting Ensues

This dude went for it.
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