

receipt, shrek, prank, funny, dispensary, funny tiktok, viral tiktok, script, receipt

'This is shorter than a CVS receipt': Toronto dispensary prints customer order that has entire script of 'Shrek' in the special instructions

None pizza guy would be proud
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Best Of Luck...

Funny meme about guy and girl out, girl has printed screenshots | RIP BRO
Via memebase

It's True

Tweet that reads, "Little secret about me: my answer to the question 'would you like a receipt' is based on absolutely nothing and changes all the time"
Via CanWeStopTalkingNow

I Don't Think That's How It Works

tipping receipts - 8425174272

Instead of an After-Dinner Peppermint, He Got a Red Pill

the matrix receipts - 8413967360

I Don't Think That's How It Works

tips receipts - 8310189312