
quitting story

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Worker brings in hundreds of million of dollars in revenue, works from 4 a.m. to late at night, quits after her annual raises don't even match inflation: 'It didn’t matter. Nothing I did was respected or valued'

She deserves better
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Happy Hour Memes For a Sunny Day That Will Make You Want to Quit Your Job

Happy Hour Memes For a Sunny Day That Will Make You Want to Quit Your Job

You go to m eetings to make m oney to buy m argaritas—it's the 3 Ms of summertime chaos.
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Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Flip Off Your Boss

Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Give Your Boss the Bird

You can't actually give your manager the bird, but you can do it through secret code (aka memes).
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20+ Works Memes for Employees Yearning to Say 'I Quit'

20+ Work Memes for Employees Yearning to Say 'I Quit'

Why put in your two weeks when you can just send a list of memes that say you're quitting?
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work, workplace, coworkers, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, work stories, boss, toxic boss, salary, quitting, quitting story, quitting work

Employee forced to work in office with no windows and no coworkers resigns, boss retaliates: 'It's not your job to run your boss' business'

What were they expecting
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boss, antiwork, employee, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, i quit, quit, employer, toxic boss, workplace, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, quitting story, quitting

'There's even an At-Will clause in my contract': Boss refuses to accept employee's resignation, threatens to sue him for quitting

"At Will" means quitting is allowed
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reddit, askreddit, reddit story, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, work stores, quitting, satisfying quitting story, quitting story, toxic boss, bosses

'There's no price worth putting up with that': The insane work stories that made people quit on the spot

That's it, I've had it!
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