

That's Sadly Not Enough to Reserve a John Wilkes Booth...

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Created by LOLdogexpert

She Must Be Really Pissed!

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Via Punblr

Or Maybe He Was µrdered by His Roofer...

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Created by LOLdogexpert

Mango Flavored is My Favorite!

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Created by Unknown


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I Think They're Still Upset About the Burnt Rubber...

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Created by Craptabulous


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Created by boothe56

When You're the Lord of Something, You Can Do Whatever You Want With it!

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Created by Dubulous


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We put a question within a question within a question within a question...

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Created by DirtyMcGirty

It Ophelias So Real!

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Created by Fatalyze

What Color Are Your...Socks?

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I Have No Idea

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Created by dodinon

Remind Me Never to Eat Molasses Ever Again...

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Created by lizzwilson86

Definitely Goblins

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Created by ThomasMR1