

Funny video of two guys demonstrating creative ways you can toss your friend a beer while maintaining social distancing

Two Dudes Show How To Pass Your Friend A Beer While Social Distancing

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Funny tweet about how people are going to say "i havent seen you in years" on january 1 2021 and it will be true.
Via u/NigerianWoBuffet
Funny random memes, dank memes, stupid memes, quarantine memes, coronavirus | parody NOW 'S CALL 2AM PANIC ATTACK | celebrities are all same boat Their boat: My Boat: yacht vs shipwreck

A Veritable Smorgasbord Of Time-Wasting Memes

Memes are love. Memes are life.
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Great Book

Funny photoshopped book cover, alexander and the no good very bad day | Alexander and the Day That Blended Into Every Other Day Like Some Kafkaesque Nightmare with No Merciful End in Sight
Via @memebase
Funny memes and tweets, friday memes and tweets, tgif, dank memes | Wolverine with a kissing couple in the background my friends getting married and starting families aborteddreams five cheeseburgers please | Tim Dillon @TimJDillon would be nice see people starting reopen parts economy safely but let's do Undercover Boss show now too! Like better time put CEO on front lines with workers! Right! Seems like fun time show sure CEOS would do right

Quality Memes & Tweets To Get Your Friday Going

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F*ckin' Same

Funny tweet that reads, "I'm at the 'Got in my car and drove a few feet away just to sit there alone' stage of quarantine"
Via anlyin
Funny tweets, twitter memes, twitter jokes, quarantine, relatable | Buffalo Jill @Buffalojil headline should CLEARLY be "Kim Jong: ill Come on journalists, don't make do job 12:02 PM 4/21/20 Twitter Android

Fresh Tweets To Help You Procrastinate

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Funny memes about the environment, climate change, Earth Day | today is earth day but everyone is talking about Covid 19 [sad earth noises] | Corporations on Earth Day pretending care about same planet they've been destroying years bp amazon Nestle

Sixteen Environmental Memes To Browse Through In Honor Of Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!
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Funny dank memes about the lifestyles of introverts and extroverts in quarantine | Time traveler: What year is Me: 2020. Time traveler: Oh. The first year of quarantine | Squidward in bed while Spongebob is outside Governor lockdown has been extended 1 more month Introverts Extroverts

Twenty-Five Dank Memes About 'Introverts Vs. Extroverts' In Quarantine

The differences are pretty stark!
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Funny tweet about social distancing | ahmad @uhhhhmad i will continue social distancing from some of u after all this is over
Via @memebase

Seriously WTF

Via anlyin

Darwin Approves

Funny meme that reads, "'If you don't want to quarantine it's okay' - Charles Darwin" next to a photo of Charles Darwin
Via Ilgiovanipiero
Funny video of a guy who has created an AI version of himself for his work Zoom meetings

Dude Creates Creepy AI Version Of Himself To Get Out Of Zoom Meetings

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Funny comedy sketch video where a woman tries to explain the COVID-19 pandemic to her past self

Woman Explains The Pandemic To Her Past Self In This Hilariously Surreal Sketch

This is so accurate it hurts.
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funny random tweets, twitter memes, silly memes, dank memes | california guy now @InternetHippo like ads have gone buy toyota this is difficult and uncertain time us all buy toyota 10:32 AM 4/14/20 Twitter iPhone

Moderately Entertaining Tweets For Moderately Bored People

We got you.
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Funny photoshopped images and memes about the Ohio quarantine protesters | tweet by Zack Bornstein @ZackBornstein 28 Business Days Later (2020) future canon @futurecanon Apr 15 Will be forever haunted by this image protestors Ohio demanding governor open businesses back up Show this thread UMP 3:46 PM Apr 15, 2020 Twitter Web App | woman yelling at a cat meme

Ohio Quarantine Protesters Are Supplying Memers With Some Premium Photoshop Material

WTF is wrong with people...
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