
pyramid scheme

ask reddit, scammer, history, askreddit, scammers, reddit story, pyramid scheme, scams, World History, american history, european history, scam, eiffel tower, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit

People Discuss The Biggest Scams in History

Giving Joanne the Scammer a run for her money
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reddit, askreddit, bully, mlm, bullies, pyramid scheme, mean girls, peaked, high school, football, subreddit, reddit thread, bullying

Redditors Discuss The Qualities of People Who Peaked in High School

I have the type of anxiety that makes me worried that I peaked in high school , even though I know I had a horrible time. My high school years had some positive moments, but my life got exponentially better once I graduated and moved far away from anyone I knew. There are some moments from high school I still think about, like my Senior prom , which was almost Carrie -esque in how traumatic it was, but that's a story for another day. Five years out from high school, I'm sitting pretty, knowing…
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Reddit thread about people answering "what feels like a cult, but isn't?"

People Share Things That Feel Like a Cult, But Aren't a Cult

The city I used to live in had a local cult. They preyed on international college students, those searching for a religious community, and straight-up loners to build an army of members. With promises of friendship and community, they'd isolate people from their families and other friends to the point where they'd spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with the cult. They'd provide housing for members and “strongly encourage” them to get in relationships and marry. As bemusing it is to have a…
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funny, funny memes, memes, mlm, multi level marketing, pyramid scheme, reddit, facebook, cringe, scam, monad, entrepreneur | hey my post removed because way worded pure romance one? yes There's no multi level marketing rule group oh my bad sorry would be interested know more about pure romance No thank ok Double tap | Multi-Level Marketing Companies Boss Babes who had kids too early Carol Baskin and husband on a leash

Funny Memes and Cringeposts For People Who Hate Pyramid Schemes

Absolutely no one wants to hear more about those essential oils
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mlm, pyramid scheme, mlm posts, cringe, facebook, monat, scammers, fail, memes, mlm memes, desperate, cringe pics, multi level marketing, herbalife, bossbabes, entrepreneur, gaslight, doublespeak

Memes and Cringey MLM Posts From Wannabe Entrepreneurs

They should really call it multi-level swindling
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Funny memes and posts about cringey pyramid schemes | bernie sanders fundraising campaign: girls went high school with who had kid before they turned 20 Works am once again asking five boss babes who want work home | My neck has been KILLING past 3 days. Nothing has helped desperate so tried PanAway youngliving oils. My. Neck. Is. 99% better Thank Crystal! Welp wore off

14+ Pyramid Scheme Memes & Cringeposts

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Funny memes and social media posts about multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes | Facebook group Absolutely no MLM companies or products can be advertised this group" MLM huns: Huh wonder who 's . Garfield stop sign | No matter bad things may seem 2020 will remind myself could be trapped pyramid scheme convinced am an entrepreneur. Like Reply 1d aware sell Hempworx right? 1 Like Reply 1d yes s have do with my post? Like Reply 1d 's an insult lol Ib 1 Like Reply 1d

15 MLM Cringeposts From Bossbabes And 'Entrepreneurs' Alike

"Hey hun!"
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Woman schools instagram pyramid schemer in direct messages, itworks! scam | No thank No offense or business just don't support pyramid schemes. This isn't pyramid scheme omg assume work ItWorks! based off profile, which is multilevel marketing. Not trying

Shameless Pyramid Schemer Gets Schooled In Her DMs

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Funny and cringey memes about pyramid schemes | interesting Today 12:19 p.m. Hey girl, have ever tried essential oils before feel like 's something totally jibes with personality Hey girl! Have ever shown an interest my life or my personality beyond trying hawk MLM products | hey see love coffee! if Y cOuld just suit+ch ur coffee and lose 10-30 lbs would looking few product models who will get use my discount! are interested 12:45 PM rather crap my hands and clap no need be rude hun Blocked

16 MLM Cringeposts For Boss Babes And 'Entrepreneurs' Alike

Psst, wanna be your own #BossBabe?
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Funny video sketch about when your friend gets involved in a pyramid scheme

Video Sketch About That One Friend Who Gets Involved With A Pyramid Scheme

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Facebook story about a woman who faked her own death to get free clothes | am going through my wife's phone. She on way this morning and hit head on my person texting and did not make This is her husband do l pay this bill know much she wanted this and iam going have her buried. have been touch with police hacked into and my brother is police office found out who is! They also sent doesn't take this down i am pressing charges against her did not message her order her nothing s crazy wrote police

Cheap Lady Fakes Own Death Just To Get A Free LulaRoe Dress

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Ask Me!

Funny meme that reads, "Girls you went to high school with who had a kid before they turned 20" above a photoshopped image of Bernie Sanders asking for "five boss babes who want to work from home"
Via anlyin
Funny and cringey posts about people who work for pyramid schemes | bad eye makeup instagram post made beautiful #christmaspresent look babes. news anchor turned activist my area published an email she received wonder MLM they were trying sell WasteTheirTime Amanda scrolling through FB recently and saw picture at an event wanted reach out because have program will help lose some weight and get healthy couldn't help but notice not as small as were on TV s important be better role models our child

Pyramid Scheme Posts That Showcase Grandiose Levels Of Cringe

#StopPyramidSchemes2020 anyone?
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Funny tweet that reads, "No matter how bad things get I remind myself I could be trapped in a pyramid scheme convinced I'm a business owner"
Via anlyin
Funny text message conversation about pyramid scheme company Acti Labs

'Boss Babe' Gets Called Out For Working For A Pyramid Scheme

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Pyramid scheme scammer preys on dude whose dad just dies, multi-level marketing.

Pyramid Schemer Reaches New Low By Preying On Grieving Friend

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