

twitter, twitter thread, purse, purses, bag, men, women, accessories

'They must have an inventory menu': Stuff havers theorize about why men don't carry purses

Bring back man bags
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An article about a woman who leaves her inheritance in a purse at

Woman Leaves Inheritance Hidden Inside Purse Her Kids Donated To Goodwill

There is a spectrum of pettiness that we are all on, but some people go so above and beyond. Some special petty divas allow the pettiness they had in life to come through beyond the grave. Often this is communicated in the form of wills or inheritances. Who could forget a certain news anchor whose mother only left him $1 in her will? One might think there isn't an act of post-mortem pettiness greater than that, but they would be gravely mistaken.
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Pshh, Poor People

Funny meme that reads, " poor peons cannot even understand how to fashion!"
Via itistocold4

And The Wookie

Caption that reads, "My wife left her purse on a chair and now it won't stop telling me to bring it Han Solo" above a pic of the purse, resembling Jabba the Hutt
Via Jones2791

Huh, Fair Point

Tweet that reads, "Women hate cargo shorts because it reveals the tactical inferiority of purses"
Via Zabernite1234

The Vast and Endless Depths

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The Undiscoverd Country: A Ladys Purse

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Created by anselmbe

Teasing a Robot

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Created by suckiemcsuck

This Purse Totally Looks Like The Predator

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Created by pirhomaniak

Rage Comics: Baby Got Back

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So Many Compartments

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See all captions Created by cratchmaster


fox fur hilarious horse Image purse SJP - 5275369216
Created by casstastrophe

This Thing Is Heavy

purse Rage Comics shopping women - 5233947392

Y U Let It Poop In Purse?!

dogs poop purse walk women Y U No Guy - 4975943424
See all captions Created by ryancgray


Image jersey Pure Awesome purse riot style - 4874444800
See all captions Created by kat325th
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